Draw the following in your INS after skipping 1-2 Pages-This should take up the whole page. Use Pages 158-171to fill in the boxes OLMEC MAYA AZTEC INCA G-Geography R-Religion A-Achievements P-Political System E-Economics S-Social Structure
The Elements of a Civilization G.R.A.P.E.S. The Elements of a Civilization
Civilization A civilization is a society with cities, a central government, workers who specialize in certain jobs leading to social classes that has religion, writing, and art and architecture.
G. – Geography Geography is how people connect with the land they live on. Where is the civilization? In what geographic region is it located? What geographic landscape makes up the region? How are the people/events affected by the geography? What sort of crops can they grow? What natural resources do they have? How do the people interact with the environment? How does the environment define the culture/civilization? Hawaiian Surfer Kid Alaska Mountain Boy
G- Geography Examples
R - Religion Religion is a set of beliefs about the things we can’t see or explain. What do the people believe? What is the meaning of life according to this particular group of people? What is their “origins” story? How do they spend their lives? Who talks to the god(s)? How do their beliefs affect their lives? Are their leaders or documents that define their religion?
A. - Achievements Achievements are important discoveries for future generations to enjoy. What did they contribute to the world? What did they invent? What technological skills do they posses? Are they superior or inferior to other civilizations? What are their architectural structures? What is the basis of their language/writing? What makes them unique to other civilizations? Artistically how do they express themselves: music, art, and theater? Iron Ore Trephination The Telescope
P - Political Politics is how people share the power to make decisions. Who is in charge? What is power based on? Who gives that person or group the power? What is the governmental structure? Are there significant wars or treaties? What specific leaders stand out above the rest?
E- Economy Economics is how we get the things we need and want. How did the society distribute their resources? Did they trade or use money? What did they sell or trade? What did they need to get from outside of their civilization? How do people earn their food? Is it based upon agriculture, commerce, small trade, professions, or industry? Economics is how we get the things we need and want. Economics is about buying, selling, and trading. A good economy serves all people.
S- Social Structures What were their social class systems? Who was considered more important in their society? Who are their thinkers? What groups are given the chance to learn? How do people communicate? What do people do together? How is a group organized? What are the family and gender relations?