Jobs for the Future (JFF) Scope of Work and Technical Assistance GLCCPP Phase II Jobs for the Future (JFF) Scope of Work and Technical Assistance
OVERVIEW Building systems level capacity and infrastructure Postsecondary Engagement and Alignment Employer engagement and Work-based Learning Governance and Infrastructure [Dissemination of Learnings] Work with cross-sector leadership in each community to customize this work to align with community-specific foci and initiatives
Postsecondary Engagement & Pathways alignment Pathways Program of Study Mapping Strategic/Best Bet Technical and Core Academic Dual Enrollment Courses (HS + 2-3 additional) Align credentials with regional labor market information and job and wage data 2YR >> 4YR credential alignment and ‘stackability’ Support planning for expanded dual enrollment offerings Regional Dual Enrollment Analysis Pre-requisites and placement tests Processes and timelines for approval of dual credit courses taught in HS setting Structuring gatekeeper courses and course progressions
Postsecondary Engagement & Pathways alignment Secondary Teacher Certification Identify and disseminate required competencies and credentials for HS teachers to teach dual enrollment Identify existing assets and gaps; develop recommendations to expand teacher pipeline Customizable templates and data for marketing and communications
Employer Engagement and WBL Leverage JFF Center for Apprenticeship and Work-based Learning WBL design tools, LMI-aligned resources, experience continuums, staff support, externships, etc. Employer engagement/mobilization and management strategies Develop employer-facing communications and marketing tools Convene employers Working groups >> Education-Industry partnership capacity building Employer Mobilization Summit (Winter 2018/2019) Support CE/ES to assess current state of WBL and goal-setting Enrollment, equity, employer engagement PoS integration
Governance and Infrastructure Support CE/ES to strengthen cross-sector partnerships through clearly defined leadership, roles, and responsibilities MOA/MOUs to define roles of partners and regional workgroups Elevate and define roles of postsecondary and employer partners Facilitate regional workgroups where appropriate
DISSEMINATION OF LEARNINGS White Papers Pathways Program of Study Mapping Authentic Employer Engagement/Mobilization Regional Pathways Development – Lessons for the Field Policy Briefs Employer Pathways Summit Regional Best-Practices (1/region) Blogs 1/CoP event in Phase 2 Highlight policies that support pathways implementation at scale