Danywenallt 19th March – 22nd March
Accommodation Only our school Dorms of 2, 3 or 4 people (to be decided shortly before the trip) in main house and annex Bathrooms Dining room Common room Drying room
Staffing Mrs Floyd Mrs Macindoe Mrs Dutnall Assistants Education Officers Miss Long will aim to go for part of the trip. Number of children: 20 (11 boys and 9 girls)
Activities These have some flexibility with weather conditions, but we are considering:
Llangorse Activity Centre Monday
Mammal Trapping Monday
Mountain Walk Tuesday
Rocket Building Tuesday
Rocket Launching Wednesday
Puzzles and Games Sustainability Hunt
Big Pit
What to Bring (A full list will be sent out later) A suitcase with wheels Wellies / some strong, warm, COMFORTABLE, shoes boots to walk in. Small rucksack with padded straps Layers of clothing that range from T-shirt to fleece/ thick jumper Teddy / camera?
Rucksack Thick socks Waterproof Coat Warm Jumper/Top Packed Lunch (YHA will sort this out for residential guests) Medication Drink Bottle
What NOT to bring Mobile phones, computer games, DVD players etc. WATERPROOFS (as they are provided by study centre TONNES of tuck (food is plentiful / good!)
Medical / Dietary Food allergies Medication Bed wetting Other concerns Please return the consent/medical form by Friday
Paying for the Trip The total payment is Full payment of £300 (minus £20 deposit) to be paid by 12th March You can pay in instalments at the office or in full