In Communion with Christ
With Hearts and Minds is a resource for parish groups (covered on a separate set of Powerpoint slides) In Communion with Christ is designed to be complementary resource to run alongside With Hearts and Minds The hope is that parishes will run With Hearts and Minds for those able to take part in small group meetings during the week, and In Communion With Christ on Sundays for whole parish formation. Both programmes are designed to run over 6 weeks; and both explore the same themes – but use different materials and different methodologies. They are complementary. They do not cover the same ground in the same way. (click)
In Communion with Christ The themes for the 6 weeks. Because it is a 6 week course and it is centred on Sunday celebration care needs to be taken when course starts and finishes. It should not overlap with the beginning or end of a liturgical season, for then it would obscure the transition from one period of time to another. The course might be followed during the season of Lent or of Easter. However it is perhaps best followed during Ordinary time. (click)
The whole programme is freely available from the Liturgy Office website ( There is a programme Introduction and support materials for the homilist. These include an introduction to preaching on the liturgy, and to the concept of Mystagogy One of the issues of concern that the Holy Father singled out in Spiritus et Sponsa is liturgical preaching, mystagogical preaching. The hope is that the questions on the sheets, and the introductory material provided will help people develop the ‘mystagogical arts’ of which he speaks. (click)
Preacher’s guide I In addition there is a weekly A3 sheet – a guide to the most relevant sections of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and Celebrating the Mass, relevant extracts from the writings of Pope John Paul, and other writings to stimulate thought. (click)
Preacher’s guide II In addition there are sheets to assist with reflection on the reading and in preparing the homily. Many homilists already prepare their Sunday homily together with a parish group – the liturgy group, the readers, the catechists. These sheets may be used in that context, or by an individual working alone if that is what they prefer. In addition to the homilist’s material for each week, there is an A4 folded sheet prepared that can be distributed to all those at Mass. (click)
The front page of the people’s take away sheet gives the theme of the week (In the side bar – the same theme as in WHM) and a quote from the liturgy (the same quote is also featured in WHM). It also gives an easy to read passage from Celebrating the Mass that introduces the theme. (click)
On the inside pages there are two sections. The two side columns a simple description of the part of the Mass drawn from CTM. The middle section explores the connection between this part of the Mass and our daily lives. (click)
The back page – some reflection questions; a prayer and some suggestions for practical action. In Communion with Christ could be used as a stand-alone package. However it will be a more powerful aid to parish formation when run in conjunction with With Hearts and Minds. (click)
A very similar sheet has also been produced which is intended for parents of young families. It explores the same issues, but attempts to do so in a way that will help parents share something of the contents with their children.
The side bars are generally very similar, if not identical to those in the sheets for the rest of the parish. The middle section has been specially written with parents of young children in mind.
The back page offers encouragement with regard to prayer in the family and making a connection between family prayer and the community’s prayer at Mass. The leaflet can simply be given out. But is likely to be all the more helpful if there is an introduction to it, perhaps to parents at school, perhaps to parents of children in catechetical sessions preparing for first sacraments.