Dialectical Journal How-To English 1
Addressing the prompt You are given a prompt based on the text you read. In “An Arrest” we examined the way the author creates and/or builds suspense in the story. Consider your prompt and what you have to say about it – what’s YOUR educated view on how the author does this? What tools does he employ? This will help you assert your claim (the point you want to argue and defend through your text evidence and analysis.)
Think about set-up and analysis Set-up and Evidence Analysis Set-up comes BEFORE evidence and includes: Background information Tell reader what you want them to see/ why the information is significant Proper punctuation Citation comes AFTER evidence: (pg # only) Ex: (45). Complete sentences (at least 2) Explain HOW evidence shows/supports the building of suspence in “An Arrest” Refer specifically to that quote Must reference the literary element you use
It goes a little something like this… Set-up and Evidence Analysis Steinbeck reveals a parent-child relationship between George and Lennie when George compliments Lennie for remembering so well: “Good boy. That’s swell. You say that over two, three times so you sure won’t forget it” (6). By praising Lennie for being a “good boy” in remembering not to say a word at the new ranch, George acts as the parent in the relationship. He tells Lennie how to behave and then offers encouragement when Lennie acts the right way. George’s characterization as the dutiful parent sets up an imbalanced relationship between the two men.
Format it properly – MLA style 12 point, Times New Roman font Double-spaced Header (last name pg#) Heading (name, teacher, class, date) Title Thesis statement Create the boxes! (Insert Table)
How do I transfer my previous thoughts from Evidence Analysis Sheet and Evidence Set-up and Citation Sheet to a DJ? Step 1 and 2 on your blue sheet “‘An Arrest’ – Evidence Analysis”: Step 1 became the set up and Step 2 became your text evidence on your “‘An Arrest’ Evidence Set up and Citation” handout from 8/27 That statement you created goes in left column of DJ Step 3 on your blue sheet “‘An Arrest’ – Evidence Analysis”: How do you support your claim. The thinking from this section becomes your analysis on your DJ. You must include the elements discussed in class and referenced on the previous pages of this PPT (lit. element, Text evidence, etc.)