Patrick O’Gara et al. JIMG 2008;1:221-237 Correlative 3-D and 2-D TEE MV Anatomy Example of a patient with a P2 flail mitral valve. (A) Four-chamber view obtained at 0° depicting A2 on the left and P2 on the right; (B) Two-chamber view obtained by rotating the transducer to 90° to visualize P3 on the left and the 3 scallops of the anterior mitral valve leaflet on the right; (C) Long-axis view obtained by further rotating the transducer to 120° to view the flail P2 segment on the left and A2 on the right. The direction of the color jet in the long-axis view (bottom left) is away from the side of the flail lesion. The left column images correspond to the mitral valve image (as visualized from the left atrial perspective) obtained using real-time 3D-TEE volume rendering. The red arrows represent the approximate cut planes from which the respective 2D TEE images were obtained. A1, A2, A3 = scallops of the anterior mitral valve and P1, P2, P3 = scallops of the posterior mitral valve. Patrick O’Gara et al. JIMG 2008;1:221-237 American College of Cardiology Foundation