Early Warning and invasive species alert networks for Ireland April 20 th 2011,Ulster Museum, Belfast Invasive Species Ireland Forum - 2011 Colette O Flynn.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Warning and invasive species alert networks for Ireland April 20 th 2011,Ulster Museum, Belfast Invasive Species Ireland Forum Colette O Flynn

10,961 alien species to some part of Europe Trends in introductions Known impacts recorded by DAISIE: 5% for plants around 15% for invertebrates and marine taxa high of 30% for vertebrates and freshwater species DAISIE (2009). Handbook of alien species in Europe. Springer, Dordrecht. ISBN


920 (Reynolds, 2000) Marine? 964 (NBG, 2010)

Prevention Early detection Early warning Rapid Action Containment & long-term control Whats required? Inventories, surveillance, monitoring, communication Horizon scanning, risk assessment, legislation, best practice Where feasible

Early Warning System EW: A framework designed to respond to biological invasions through a coordinated system of surveillance and monitoring activities; diagnosis of invading species; circulation of information, including reporting to competent authorities. Detection (surveillance and monitoring) Diagnosis and data processing Risk assessment (or quick screening) Reporting to competent authorities and circulation of information Genovesi, P. et al (2010). Towards an early warning and information system for invasive alien species (IAS) threatening biodiversity in Europe. European Environment Agency Technical report. No. 5.

Ireland 8 species alerts issued since 2008: 2008 Chelydra serpentina (Common snapper) Hemimysis anomala (Bloody red shrimp) 2009 Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellow-bellied slider) Muntiacus reevesi (Muntjac deer) Sus scrofa (Wild boar) 2010 Corbicula fluminea (Asian clam) Tamias sibiricus (Siberian chipmunk) Harmonia axyridis (Harlequin ladybird) (1 st recorded in N. Irl 2006)

On Potential Invaders list Surveyed on April 13 th (P. Sweeney) Concern raised on April 13th Verification on April 15 th (E. Moorkens) & Species Alert issued Rapid Response assessment survey April 21 (IFI) Control options and feasibility being reviewed (IFI) Corbicula fluminea - Asian Clam Image is courtesy of Colette O Flynn

Corbicula fluminea - Asian Clam WFD coding, Q values etc.

Some recent Species Alerts Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis) - 2 var. Nov 2010 Turkish crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) - food market Coypu (Myocastor coypu) -wildlife park.. stream Possible future Species Alerts ??!! Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus) - Aug pet trade ? R. O SullivanV. MurphyNick Davies D. Walshe P. ReadN. Marchant

EU IAS EWRR Horizon scanning

Moving to a formal Early Warning System Ad hoc basis No defined list of verification experts per taxon group Few receive alert directly – rest dependant on website No-one responsible Yet it is working quite well! Currently only for new species to Ireland Formalised/timely reporting Defined list of verification experts per taxon group Network of contacts to receive early warning alert (automated) Clarify responsibility & need Maintainable in long-term? What qualifies for a species alert? InformalFormal

What qualifies for a species alert? Moving to a formal Early Warning System What?Where?When?

How to move forward! * Early detection supported by regular surveillance/monitoring - with requirement for timely reporting and circulation of information e.g. EPA, Heritage Council, WFD, research. -Aquatic Invasions rewarding timely submission! - support ad hoc reporting Automated system that detects different levels of alert criteria and issues alerts - to website and via RSS feeds * Build networks – ISI technical working groups, academia, local authorities, state bodies, NGO's, Local groups, individuals etc. Keep up-dated. * Fill knowledge gaps

Expert Registry

ISI expert registry To help with: verification – identity, presence Quick scanning – additional species or impact info receive alerts – need to know, further distribute alert additional support where able Early Warning breakout session

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