Who’s Who in Congress
Congressional Leaders Majority Party: Party that holds the most seats in Congress Minority Party: Political Party with fewer seats in Congress
Congressional Leadership Speaker of the House: Presiding officer of the house Gives speakers the floor Controls floor debates Assigns Committees Floor Leaders: Assistant to the Speaker and President Whips: Monitor and influence how their party members votes on legislation Vice President: Tie Breaker Vote only President Pro Tempore: Formal head of Senate
Conduct Congress can challenge the qualifications of new members Can judge members behavior Censure: Official or formal reprimand Can be fined $ for behavior Expulsion: Removed by 2/3 vote of members 356 in House 67 in Senate
House of Representatives Speaker of the House: Paul Ryan(R) Majority Leader: Kevin McCarthy (R) Minority Leader: Nancy Pelosi (D)
Senate President: Mike Pence (R) President Pro Tempore: Orrin Hatch (R) Majority Leader: Mitch McConnell (R) Minority Leader: Chuck Schumer (D)
Arizona Senators House of Representatives John McCain (R) Jeff Flake(R) House of Representatives 1. Tom O'Halleran(D) 4. Paul Gosar (R) 7. Ruben Gallego (D) 2. Martha McSally (R) 5. Andy Biggs (R) 8. Trent Franks (R) 3. Raul Grijalva (D) 6. David Schweikert (R) 9. Kyrsten Sinema (D)