Hamlet Act One Dallas Shafer, Ashley Ewert, Megan LaCavera, Lauren Seago, Caitlyn Sheridan, Erin Kownacki, Brian Batayah, Jordan Kaltz
Act One Scene One Horatio, Barnardo, Marcellus stand guard one night, and they see a ghost. The ghost resembled Hamlet Senior. After discovering the resemblance they decide to inform Hamlet. Let us impart what we have seen tonight unto young Hamlet; for, upon my life, this spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him. Marcellus Horatio Barnardo
The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables! Act One Scene Two Hamlet vents about his mother, Queen Gertrude, remarrying his uncle Claudius only one month after the death of her husband, King Hamlet. Queen Gertrude Claudius The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables! Hamlet
Act One Scene Two My Lord, I think I saw him yesternight. My Lord, the King, your father. Horatio, Barnardo, and Marcellus tell Hamlet about the ghost of his father. Hamlet shocked, yet intrigued and goes with them later that night. Upon the platform, ‘twixt eleven and twelve, I’ll visit you.
Act One Scene Three Farwell Fear it, Ophelia Perhaps he loves you now Be wary, then; best safety lies in fear Laertes is permitted to go back to France. Before he leaves, he gives his sister, Ophelia, words of advise, to beware of Hamlet. Polonius, their father, redundantly tells Ophelia about Hamlet. Do not believe his vows, for they are brokers. Laertes Polonius I shall obey, my Lord. Ophelia
It will not speak. Then I will follow it. Act One Scene Four Horatio, Marcellus, and Hamlet await the ghosts arrival. When the ghost appears he speaks nothing, to which Hamlet decides to follow, without approval of Horatio and Marcellus. The two reluctantly follow Hamlet and the ghost into the great abyss. It will not speak. Then I will follow it. Look, my Lord, it comes. Nay, let’s follow him.
Act One Scene Five Now to my word. It is “Adieu, adieu, remember me.” I have sworn ’t. Hamlet meets with the his father’s ghost. His father explains, his brother, Claudius murdered him and that before his spirit can peacefully disappear into the after life his death must be avenged! I am thy father’s spirit. A serpent stung me. The serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown. Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast. Won to his shameful lust the will of my most seeming- virtuous queen. Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest.
Act One Scene Five Hamlet comes to the conclusion that his uncle Claudius wronged his family, making it Hamlet’s responsibility to do right by his ghost father and kill his uncle. The time is out of joint. O cursed spite that ever I was born to set it right!
Act One Scene Five Hamlet swears Horatio and Marcellus to secrecy, so that neither of them reveal the sighting of the royal ghost. There’s never a villain dwelling in Denmark. Give me one poor request. Never make known what you have seen tonight. My Lord, we will not.