By Brendan Emch, Jackson Zariski, and Anirudh Canumalla The Ramsay Sons By Brendan Emch, Jackson Zariski, and Anirudh Canumalla Brendan
Background Andrew ~18 years old, oldest of the Ramsay sons and expected to have a future career as a mathematician Roger ~13 years old, a rambunctious child, though more well- behaved than Jasper Jasper ~10 years old, enjoys shooting birds. Not well-behaved James 6 years old, doted on by Mrs. Ramsay and feels murderous rage toward his father Brendan
Relations to Others Andrew Wrong Ramsay Relations to Others Andrew “[Minta] had no control over her emotions, Andrew thought women hadn’t. The wretched Paul had to pacify her” (77) Roger “And Nancy and Roger, they were both wild creatures now, scampering about over the country all day long.” (58). Jasper “She did not like it that Jasper should shoot birds; but it was only a stage; they all went through stages” (58) James “Had there been an ax handy, or a poker, any weapon that would have gashed a hole in his father’s breast and killed him, there and then, James would have seized it” (4) His love for his mother is nearly as strong as his hate for his father. Anirudh Andrew: Unlike his brother James, who is far more reliant on Mrs. Ramsay, Andrew is an independent young man ready to enter university. Andrew, like Mr. Ramsay, is an intellectual within the family. For example, when Lily is confused about Mr. Ramsay’s work, Andrew provides the analogy for a “scrubbed kitchen table” (17). In his interaction with Minta losing her brooch, we also observe that he is somewhat condescending towards women, as was the norm. Roger: Roger is a rambunctious child who is hyperactive when playing with his brothers and sisters. Not much else is known about him. Jasper: One of the Ramsays’ sons. Jasper, to his mother’s chagrin, enjoys shooting birds. The animal cruelty he displays, rather than a ‘phase’ of childhood, indicates symptoms of a deeper psychological problem. Although we do not see the thoughts of Jasper as we do Mrs. Ramsay, his actions are likely a result of him feeling neglected by his parents. James: James very much wants to visit the lighthouse, but is consistently told by his father that he cannot go. He thirsts for independence from his father’s influence and James comes to despise him; both in that Mr. Ramsay drains Mrs. Ramsay’s attention for James and prevents James from visiting the lighthouse. His relationship with his father is very much one of competing love.
Thoughts About Others Andrew “He [Tansley] was a sarcastic brute, Andrew said.” (7). Roger “...there was Roger gazing at his father...would be off in spasms of laughter in another second…” (96). Fairly carefree. Jasper “...Andrew, Jasper, Roger mocked him [Tansley]...” (5). Like the other children he hates the “atheist” Tansley. James Generally characterized by his Oedipus Complex. Jackson Andrew Roger Jasper
Likes/Dislikes Andrew “Crabs, she [Mrs. Ramsay] had to allow, if Andrew really wished to dissect them…” (27). Roger Enjoys goofing around with his sister Nancy. Jasper “...flock of starlings which Jasper had routed with his gun…” (25). He enjoys spreading disorder and chaos. Opposite of Andrew. James Despises his father while enjoys spending time with his mother. Brendan
Motivations/Behavior Andrew The oldest child, motivated by his “gift for mathematics” (58). Roger Normal behavior, somewhat energetic but not as much as Jasper. Jasper Represents the Freudian Id. Not well-behaved. James Devoted to his mother, relatively well behaved. Motivated by desire to go to the lighthouse Jackson
Character Images/Symbols Andrew He is the “brains” among the Ramsay children according to Mr. Bankes. (19) Roger Few images and symbols, only mentioned 4 times in the novel. Jasper Slingshot: characterizes his desire for wanton violence. Representation of Jasper’s Id. James Lighthouse: Represents James’ goals and energy. When Mr. Ramsay says that James cannot go to the lighthouse, James feels his desires are suppressed. Anirudh