TNCPE Site Visit 2018 Closing Meeting Thank you for your warm welcome. We are excited and pleased to be here.
Thank You! Thank you for your hospitality and courtesies! We applaud your efforts toward performance excellence We can accept no further information after the closing meeting
Next Steps TNCPE will let you know your organization’s award level after the judges’ meeting in mid-November Within 10 weeks from today, you will receive your feedback report from the TNCPE office Plan to celebrate at the TNCPE Awards Banquet: February 28, 2019 The applicant should expect to receive its feedback report within 10 weeks after site visit NOTE TO TEAM – in order to meet that deadline, you must submit the final scorebook to TNCPE within two weeks of site visit. Please emphasize the fact that the Awards Banquet is a lot of fun and a great celebration of what they have accomplished. It’s an excellent venue for rewarding employees for their hard work, too. To protect the confidentiality of this process, it is our policy at the Awards Banquet not to acknowledge that we know you. But if you approach us, we will be happy to talk with you! The banquet is held in conjunction with the Excellence in Tennessee Conference, which is both educational and enjoyable.
To Learn More… TNCPE Baldrige for Beginners Workshop (offered onsite) TNCPE Application Writing Workshop (offered onsite) Prioritizing Your Feedback Workshop (included in Level 2 site visit fee) TNCPE Excellence in Tennessee Conference – February 27-28, 2019 TNCPE Speakers Bureau Contact the TNCPE office for more information about these workshops and conferences. Level 2 organizations have pre-paid for the Prioritizing Your Feedback Report Workshop. TNCPE will contact you to schedule this workshop in January or February 2018 (after you receive your feedback report). Level 3 and 4 organizations should call the TNCPE office if they are interested in this workshop.
Congratulations and Good-bye Congratulations for the work you have done! Best wishes on your journey to performance excellence!
Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence Tamera Fields Parsons, President & CEO Sue Alexander, Manager of Administration Emily Ferguson, Communications Manager Ann Harris, Program Assistant Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence 2525 Perimeter Place Drive, Suite 122 Nashville, Tennessee 37214 Phone: 615-889-8323 or 800-453-6474 E-mail: Join the TNCPE community on Facebook and Linked In or contact us any time.