Transforming Residential Care – Session Q: Can residents change providers if they wish? A: No, transfers will be allowed within the flexi contract model. Q: How can Warwickshire afford the increase in quality? A: An increase of 2% council tax will help fund this and ensure national minimum wage is met. Providers are to meet quality standards and also include self-funders. This will depend on location but not all providers will need to meet the low cost target if providing to a self-funder. A long contract to provide stability in developing extra care housing. Q: Can an individual self-fund and receive council funding? A: Generally no, but a top up from the council could be arranged in certain circumstances. Q: Should the NHS be involved in tenders, as this could be unstable? Is it difficult for the NHS and council to meet these tenders? A: No, the CCG/NHS have agreed to tenders as Ward councils lead the development. NHS has used providers like this in the past. Q: Many care homes have failed CQC and there are plenty in Warwickshire, will these be included as providers? A: Health professionals will help advise on lack of care from providers. If a provider is inadequate and unable to meet quality standards then they will not be used unless they can improve. Q: How many hospital admissions are due to poor care from a home and how will quality be measured and admissions reduced? A: Care homes have to report hospital admissions, the Council can help by analysing the results of this with them. Q: Staff turnover in this field is high, are you concerned? A: Yes, we are aware of this and will look into ways that we can increase retention of staff. Q: Different groups such as Healthwatch and PPG’s (Patient Participation Groups) have no guidance on which agencies to use? A: Quality assurance will be used for good providers and what they can offer, Healthwatch and PPG’s can promote this information where relevant.
Domiciliary Care Services– Session Q: Did the survey go out to employees of care services? A: Yes, to complete with customer/service user. The UNISON survey has helped with capturing employee views as well. Output showed that There is not a lot of time for tasks, carers attend for 30 minutes calls. We could reduce their lack of care either by making them more independent, increasing their accessibility. There are four cornerstones of the service specification. Geographical zoned areas will be developed for care, providers can operate in zones but teams are dedicated to that area and will have an obligation to that zone to accept requests within 48 hours. Q: How were the rates decided? A: By Taking into account elements such as national minimum wage, staff retention, etc using homecare modelling. Providers have been informed on the proposed set rates. Q: How does rate compare to years ago or by last commissioned services? A: It is higher due to there being less providers. This is a more stable structure at a higher rate. Spot providers may charge more if the framework cannot provide the care. Q: Why don’t all people get care paid for? A: Financial assessments determines who receives funding and who self-funds their care. Q: How did you cut 70 providers down to 45? A: By measuring their quality and only selecting those that will offer suitable standards of care. Q: How can self-funders find information on providers? A: The council has a directory which has all the necessary information for self-funders.