Objective of the course to familiarized airline personnel with rules and procedures required to conduct ETOPS operation. p2 TM-2
A330 ETOPS Definition - the operation of a twin engine over a route that contains a point further than one hour flying time from an adequate airport, at the approved cruising speed single engine-operation ( under standard conditions in still air ) p3 TM-2
ETOPS purpose - to provide a very high level of safety & reliability while facilitating the use of twin jets on routes which were previously restricted only to quad and tri-jet aircraft. p4 TM-2
ORIGINAL RULE ORIGINAL RULE 60 MINUTES RULE 1936 FAA First 100 miles is about 60 minutes of flying time with single engine operation This is applied to all types of aircraft regardless of the number of engines. 60 MINUTES RULE 1953 FAA rule was established. It focuses, only the reliability of piston engine in general. The Rule was flexible. p6 TM-6
ICAO STANDARDS Appendix 6 - contains the minimum standards applicable to operators authorized to conduct international commercial air transport operations. Until 1980, no ETOPS requirement was addressed. The applicable diversion rule was that of the operator state. p7 TM-6
Piston Engine Reliability General The rules which are the basis of ETOPS regulation was that the probability of failure of a piston engine increased as power was increased on an engine of a given size. ICAO Findings - The 60 min. rule during those time were still consistent with the ICAO findings. p8 TM-10
Turbine Engine Reliability Comparison to Piston Engine - Operational experience has demonstrated that the Jet engine power and size have no discernable impact on failure rate. Conclusion - Jet engine reliability is 10 times better than Piston engines and improved 60 times better on jet propulsion accidents. p9 TM-14
HIGH BYPASS TWIN ENGINE DEVELOPMENT 1974 - A300B4 In-service experience realizes the used of twinjet on routes reserved by the old rules to 3 or 4 engine aircraft. However, the 60 min. rule were not optimum,the use of en-route alternates were not often not available due to poor weather or had no ILS approaches and were not equipped to support operation on a 24 hour basis. p10 TM-18
Interest in 120 minutes ETOPS Operation under the 120 minutes rule, would allow the operators to reduce the cost of routing, and enable the use of alternatives that were properly equipped to support an aircraft diverting with an engine failure. NOTE: 120 minutes ETOPS can apply as well as over land. p11 TM-20
New Rules and Design Concept Evolution of ETOPS 1980s, an ICAO amended ICAO appendix 6 At the same time, FAA redefine their rule and resulted to become “ Advisory Circular AC 120-42” Intro to 120 min Rule 1985, FAA AC 120-42 was established. Other Civil Aviation authorities around the world follow suite ; CAA (GB), DGAC (F), MOT (CAN), DOT (AUS). JAA in Europe p12 TM-26
Consequence on aircraft design During this period, although most of the a/c could satisfy the ETOPS performance requirements, no a/c were able to meet the a/c system and propulsion sys requirements ! Modification and increase redundancy. Due to this improvement, it lead the authorities and the industry to consider the possibility of 180 minutes ETOPS. p13 TM-28
180 minutes ETOPS It meant that almost any route in the world could be service by twinjets. ! p14 TM-28
New Rules In 1988, FAA AC 120-42 was updated to allow 180 min. ETOPS flight and became AC 120-42A. 1990, a harmonization process between the JAA and FAA was set up to review the actual rules but rules remain distinct JAA established AMJ 120-42 ( introducing operator to proceed on 180 minutes ETOPS w/o previous experience). p15 TM-28
Approval Process Note: Although engine failure is a critical factor for ETOPS, it is not the only factor which is seriously considered in evaluating ETOPS. The Approval Process Aircraft approval of the ETOPS type design Eligibility and Capability Operational approval of the operators. The operator must elaborate procedures concerning : Maintenance, Reliability and engineering program, flight dispatch, flight crew training and flight operation. p16 TM-36
Maintenance in-service experience The Operator should have enough satisfactory in-service experience to demonstrate that its maintenance program provides the required level of reliability for the airframe/engine combination to be used for ETOPS. Diversion time should be increase with in-service experience. However-Diversion time may be reduced or increased depending on reviews made by the authorities. p17 TM-48
ETOPS Maintenance Program Concerning the engineering mod. the operator should ensure that the ‘Configuration Maintenance Procedure’ (CMP) are incorporated into all of its ETOPS aircraft. Should include installed and spare parts. After propulsion sys shutdown or prim airframe sys failure, procedures must be established to forbid an a/c from being dispatched for ETOPS,unless ETOPS corrective action has been taken p18 TM-50
NOTE : Confirmation of maintenance action may require the successful completion of one or more non revenue or non-ETOPS revenue flights prior to dispatch for ETOPS. p19 TM-50
Additional Criteria for ETOPS Beyond 120 Minutes General - Only operators who have successfully demonstrated excellent capability to conduct a 120 minutes program over one year, will be considered for approval beyond 120 minutes. A/C Type design approval ( for 180 min rule) are: in-flight shutdown rate decreased compared to 120 min. rule. Specific ETOPS fuel alert). p20 TM-54
Operational Approval - the Minimum Equipment list (MEL) weather condition critical fuel scenario on the dispatch side crew training. Recurrent training with emphasis on contingency procedure. Evaluation of failure to reinforce the diversion decision making. p21 TM-54
AIRCRAFT SYSTEM RELIABILITY FOR ETOPS The areas of more stringent requirements to match a level of reliability suitable for ETOPS are: The essential airframe systems the propulsion systems ( Critical system ) p22 TM-58
Essential System ( refer to manual ) Adequate status monitoring Cargo fire protection Fuel Quantity Indicating Pressurization redundancy Bleed power system redundancy Hydraulic power system Avionics cooling Airframe and propulsion Ice protection Electrical Generation APU performance and reliability p23 TM-58
Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures ( CMP ) It defines the standards specifically requested for ETOPS. Spilt into four chapter Configuration ( Service Bulletins,modifications) Maintenance ( maintenance task ) Procedure ( pre-flight/en-route procedures) dispatch ( dispatch criteria ) p24 TM-62
Note: The CMP document is customized for the given aircraft/engine combination. It is also customized for the airline, and with chosen ETOPS rules in the given country. Appendix 4 requirement ( JAA) Appendix 4 requirement ( FAA ) Chapter 4 requirement ( MOT ) *(refer to manual) p25 TM-62
Accelerated ETOPS Requirements Imposed additional procedures Operational reliability Reliability Tracking Flight considerations * refer to TM-86 p26 TM-86
Maintenance Training / ETOPS Goal Maintenance personnel involved in the operation of ETOPS should have the knowledge, skills and ability to accomplish the requirements of the ETOPS program. To insure that all personnel involved are provided the necessary training,the extra requirements of ETOPS are properly accomplished. p27 TM-98
QUALIFICATION qualified maintenance personnel are those that have completed the operator’s ETOPS training Program and have satisfactory performed ETOPS Task under supervision, within the framework of the operator’s approved procedures, for personnel authorization. p28 TM-98
ETOPS Service Checks Verify that the status of the airplane and certain critical items are acceptable Time to Accomplish Etops Service check shall be accomplished at the start of the ETOPS Leg of the flight, unless otherwise authorized. Airline agreed that Service checks shall be performed no earlier than two flight legs of no more than four hours in total time before the ETOPS Leg. Refer to manual p 102* p29
Example of unscheduled maintenance task Unscheduled maintenance requirements are CMP maintenance standards which are required as one time actions such as; change engine filters following major fuel tank repair. p30 TM-108
ETOPS Maintenance Dispatch The airline is required to develop ETOPS maintenance procedures so as the aircraft status and condition is known prior to an ETOPS flight. Items of special concerned are: rectification of aircraft defects ETOPS Service Check Technical Log management p31 TM-108
DUAL REDUNDANT SYSTEM Identical/simultaneous maintenance actions on dual redundant ETOPS significant systems should be avoided whenever possible.( due to risk of developing the same failure ) These procedures should ensure that maintenance actions are performed by different individuals and/or additional checks are performed and or crew monitoring is carried out. p32 TM-110
THE END ( part 1 )