Community Health Roundtable Pro Bono Research for Health Clinics Impact Report Template: Cover Sheet Directions for Staff Overview: Use the following pages to create priority-specific impact reports for donors. Instructions to Prepare Templates: The first page can serve as a priority report on its own, or may be included with the second page. Create longer reports by copying and pasting desired sections from both pages on to new PowerPoint pages and expanding their content. On any new pages, be sure to use a mix of text, data, and photos to keep the report visually appealing. Avoid lengthy reports that may lose donors’ interest. General Tips: Don’t bury the lead; start by clearly outlining philanthropy’s impact to capture the donor’s attention Map back to case making priorities; reflect the program objectives and investor expectations that were established during initial solicitation and explain any discrepancies between actual progress versus expected progress Make the case that the donor has made a worthy investment thus far; incorporate lessons, challenges, and future opportunities for the funding priority to prime investors for reinvestment conversations If desired, include personal notes on priority reports given to major donors This tool is from the Philanthropy Leadership Council, a research initiative dedicated to serving hospital development executives. To learn more, access their home page here. For more information about Community Health Roundtable, please see
DELETE AND PLACE LOGO HERE (one-page report or first page; delete this text) Title of Impact Report DELETE AND PLACE LOGO HERE Month and Year Overview of Impact, Month Year Use this area to thank donors and capture their attention by clearly summarizing philanthropy’s impact on the funding priority. “Thank you for your gift to the XYZ fund, which is directly supporting XYZ initiatives that have XYZ impact.” Aggregate Impact to Date Summarize impact of philanthropy dollars on quantitative project outcomes and milestones Compare to projected impact Revise expected impact as needed Highlight key insight or lesson learned Describe chart/graph to right Additional support details DELETE AND PLACE CHART/GRAPH HERE Personal Patient/Provider Story Summarize impact of philanthropy dollars on patient care, medical practice, etc. Explain how philanthropy funding personally impacted this patient/group of patients or clinical partner Highlight key insight or lesson learned Additional support details DELETE AND PLACE PICTURE HERE Progress Forward Highlight lessons, challenges, and future opportunities that will prime donors for reinvestment conversations. Additional lessons, challenges, and future opportunities Thank you for your investment in XYZ Organization. Your partnership plays an important role in our ability to provide life-saving care to our patients and families. For more information, please contact DEVELPOMENT STAFF NAME at ###-###-#### and
DELETE AND PLACE LOGO HERE (second page; delete this text) Title of Impact Report DELETE AND PLACE LOGO HERE Month and Year DELETE AND PLACE CHART/GRAPH HERE Impact Data Overview Provide more details on specific impact stories and data points, preferably referring chart/graph to left Include progress-to-date on metrics and milestones that your organization is tracking Additional support details Financial Overview Explain how philanthropy dollars were actually spent List most impactful purchases related to this priority Additional support details “Include quote from patient or provider about impact of philanthropy’s funding.” Quote Source Around XYZ Organization High-level overview of related priorities across the institution Meant to be informative and potentially pique donors’ interest in other funding opportunities High-level overview of related priorities across the institution Meant to be informative and potentially pique donors’ interest in other funding opportunities High-level overview of related priorities across the institution Meant to be informative and potentially pique donors’ interest in other funding opportunities