Using Correct Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing Avoid Plagiarism!
What does it mean to summarize? Reduce what you have read to a few important Ideas Record the Essence of a text Condense…larger chunks of information to a few key ideas Use only when passage is too long to paraphrase or when you need to summarize an entire article
Quote Quotes Using the author’s words exactly (A.W.E.) Always double-check your accuracy of quoted material Always use an ellipse (…) if omitting portion of quote Always put quotes (“) around info on note card* Always label with a Q in the left margin* *failure to follow these two steps is a common cause of unintentional plagiarism!
Paraphrase How do I paraphrase? Use in place of quotes! Requires higher level thinking…impressive Restate information in your own words Retrace the specific ideas/thinking from the source but in your own words Paraphrased notes will be about the same length as the original source (2 sentence=2 sentences; 1 para.=1 para.) May quote exact words/phrases within a paraphrase Changing only a few words or the ordering of the words is NOT paraphrasing!
When should you use which one? Let’s look at your handout…
Remember this! EXACT QUOTE: “Along the way, the boys endured attacks from the northern army and marauding bandits, as well as lions who preyed on the slowest and weakest among them” (Corbett 550). Plagiarism: Along the way, the boys endured attacks from armies and marauding bandits, as well as wild animals who preyed on the slowest and weakest among them (Corbett 550). Lions preyed on the slowest and weakest among them, and along the way, the boys endured attacks from the northern army and marauding bandits (Corbett 550). Changing a few words or reversing the order is not paraphrasing! It is plagiarism!
Original “Along the way, the boys endured attacks from the northern army and marauding bandits, as well as lions who preyed on the slowest and weakest among them” (Corbett 550). Correct Paraphrase Travel was often very difficult for the Lost Boys especially those who were not strong. They faced attacks by men and wild animals (Corbett 550). Notice you will still cite your source!
Best tips for paraphrasing #1. Read portion you want to paraphrase several times to make sure you FULLY understand it #2. Mentally identify the key words and ideas #3. FLIP SOURCE OVER and write selection IN YOUR OWN WORDS #4. Check accuracy of IDEAS (not words) with source after you have finished writing #5. Be sure ideas are arranged in a smooth, logical order. #6. Your paraphrase should be as easy or easier to read than the source
Let’s practice some more! Sit with a partner, determine together if the following examples are either an example of plagiarism or correct paraphrasing. Remember what constitutes correct paraphrasing! Use the notes you just took! We will then discuss these as a class.
Original Passage “At the start of the Great Depression, many Americans wanted to believe that the hard times would be only temporary” (Smith 41). Plagiarism or Not? At the beginning of the Great Depression, a lot of Americans wanted to think that the hard times would be only temporary (Smith 41).
Original Passage “Devices in the iPod range are primarily digital audio players, designed around a central click wheel — although the iPod shuffle has buttons also” (Rashan 3). Plagiarism or Not? An iPod is an MP3 player that lets you choose and play songs to listen to using a “click wheel” (or on older versions, buttons) (Rashan 3).
Original Passage “He was a very silent man by custom” (Downs 33) Original Passage “He was a very silent man by custom” (Downs 33). Plagiarism or Not? He was usually a quiet person (Downs 33).
Original Passage “A letter of thanks is a courteous acknowledgment of a gift or of something that was done for you” (“The Etiquette of…” 11). Plagiarism or Not? A thank you note is a polite acknowledgment of a present or something nice someone did for you (“The Etiquette of…” 11).
Small Group Practice In a group of three, choose three of the five passages presented to paraphrase correctly. Cite them!
Homework! Read the three news articles. Complete the task of summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting that goes with each one. Due Monday!