FUTURE JOBS READERS Level 3-④ Genetic Counselors
Genetic Counselors Help People A couple in a counselor’s office How can genetic counselors help people? Genetic counselors can explain to people what their genes are doing, both good things and bad things. They can help people understand how doctors might be able to help them. They can also help families by explaining about genetic diseases within the family or by helping hopeful parents know the best ways to have healthy babies.
Jobs of Genetic Counselors What other kinds of jobs do genetic counselors have? Genetic counselors can work with the government to make new laws. These laws might stop scientists from doing research with future bad effects. Other laws can aim to protect people from being treated poorly by others because of genes in their families. Genetic counselors can work with doctors in a hospital or clinic. These counselors talk to patients who have a high chance of developing a genetic disease. A counselor can explain which actions might be helpful for the patient and which actions may not be helpful. Talking to a government official Doctors and a counselor with a patient
What do students need to study to become genetic counselors (GC)? Studying to be a GC What do students need to study to become genetic counselors (GC)? Studying DNA in biology class In high school, students should study biology, chemistry, and math. Language arts and social science classes are also good for developing communication skills. In university, students should study genetics and psychology.
Are there other steps to take toward becoming a genetic counselor? Training to Be a GC An experienced counselor watching a young counselor Are there other steps to take toward becoming a genetic counselor? Yes, experience is another important part of becoming a genetic counselor. In order to get experience, a student has to work at a clinic or hospital. There, under an experienced genetic counselor, a student will need to help fifty or more patients. After enough hours of experience have been completed, the student is ready to take a certification exam. Upon passing the exam, the student receives a certificate as a Certified Genetic Counselor (CGC). Checking exam results
The Skills of Genetic Counseling Thinking about what else is needed Knowing how another person feels What kinds of skills do genetic counselors need? Communication skills are important. Counselors need to know how to talk to people. They also need to know how to write to people. Counselors need to think about how others will feel when they hear or see information. Good counselors know when to use gentle words and when it is important to tell hard facts directly.
Where do genetic counselors work? Working as a GC Working in a children’s clinic Teaching in medical school Analyzing a sample of a plant Where do genetic counselors work? Genetic counselors work in . . . clinics that specialize in serving new parents, children, adults, or cancer patients. in labs run by governments or labs that are part of large companies that make medicine. in medical schools or universities as teachers.
Why will we need more genetic counselors in the future? A Growing Need for GCs Why will we need more genetic counselors in the future? Not sure about test results Genetic tests are becoming more widely available to everyone. As more people receive genetic test results, GCs will be needed to help understand the information. Doctors will also need the help of counselors in order to know when genetic tests for patients are really needed or not.
How will genetic testing in the future change? More Genetic Tests A doctor choosing genetic testing How will genetic testing in the future change? Genetic testing for diseases like cancer has been possible for decades. In the future, genetic testing for a much wider range of diseases will be possible. This means GCs will be needed in all kinds of clinics and hospitals.
Vocabulary certificate n. chemistry n. a document that says a person is a professional and has had special training chemistry n. the study of all substances
Vocabulary counselor n. decade n. a person who talks with a client to give advice or help the person with some problem decade n. ten years
Vocabulary gentle adj. psychology n. kind; in a way that shows care for another’s feelings psychology n. the study of the human mind
Vocabulary range n. specialize v. all of the parts or points included within two end points specialize v. to focus one’s work in one area; to have a specific field of expertise