GALEX: Galaxy Evolution Explorer By: Jessica Hauss
What is GALEX? A small explorer class mission under NASA’s Structure and Evolution of the Universe Division Led by California Institute of Technology
Scientific Goals Understand the evolution of star formation in galaxies from the early universe to the present. Compare near-by galaxies to older galaxies in order to better understand how galaxies evolve. Map a large section of the Universe
Three Basic Properties 1. Speed of light 2. Distribution of galaxies The expansion of the Universe
UV light
Galaxies Spiral M74 Elliptical - M87 Irregular IC10
What we learn from UV light? Star formation rates Distance Shape of galaxy Gas content How galaxies cluster How these change with time
Surveys All-Sky Imaging Survey Deep Sky Imaging A unique ultraviolet map of the entire sky Deep Sky Imaging A measure of the ultraviolet light from galaxies more than 80% of the way back to the beginning. A Survey of the 200 closest galaxies in ultraviolet.
Spectroscopic Surveys Wide-field Spectroscopic Survey Shows how UV emission is related to star formation rates and how much gas and dust is present. Medium-deep Spectroscopic Survey Shows nearby star-forming galaxies so we can compare them to older galaxies. Deep Spectroscopic Survey Show the faintest galaxies with the least star formation.
Cartwheel Galaxy
Cartwheel Galaxy
Cartwheel Galaxy
Cartwheel Galaxy
Cartwheel Galaxy