Today’s lesson We will learn about The 4 main types of Industry The differences between the 4 types of Industry.
Think about... What you already have learned in settlement about industry? What Industry is? Where can we find industrial landscapes? Who does industry affect?
What is Industry? The work that people do in order to earn a living is called industry. There are now four types of industry. These are; Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary.
Four Types of Industry Primary Industry – This uses Raw materials which are extracted from the ground or sea in order to manufacture a product. Such as Iron Ore Mining/ Gold Mining/Fishing/Farming Secondary Industry - Makes products with the raw materials from Primary Industries. Tertiary - Providing a service for people such as selling products manufactured by Secondary Industries. Tesco/Asda/Morrisons. Quaternary Industry – involves activities such as research, training developments, and information services. New ideas and innovations in technology is generally included in this sector of Industry. E.g. Quintiles, Sony and Apple.
Industry Chain
Describe what each of the four industries focus on. Explain the problems which face industries if there was a shortage of wheat in one year. List as many industries near Padova as you can under the headings of the main types of industry.