By : Raymundo Fernandez, Jaime Moreno, Philip Gonzales Famous scientist By : Raymundo Fernandez, Jaime Moreno, Philip Gonzales
Biography of Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born in Germany at a young age he’s parents knew that he was going to grow up to be one of most important person in the world. As he was growing up at age 10 he started learning about science as much as he can.
Contributed Albert Einstein contributed too science, a revolution if he did not start he’s theory about how if something is in motion it will not stop if another active thing in motion does not stop it. If he did not done this we would have still been in the stone age.
Important facts he started the E=mc^2 He won the noble prize for he’s theory of light regarded as a collection of particles. He showed how to calculate the size of molecules Between 1905-1925 he transformed our minds about nature.
Why important Einstein is important with out he’s theory we would have not invented cars that don’t have breaks. If he did not do he’s theory on relativity we would have been in the stone age again. He discovered the universal. Without his invention of the light bulb we wouldn’t have light right now.