Proposed Changes to Draft Official Plan Downtown Policies


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Presentation transcript:

Proposed Changes to Draft Official Plan Downtown Policies Proposed Changes to draft Official Plan downtown policies Jan. 23, 2018 Marianne Meed Ward City/Regional Councillor

Motion: 1 Defer approval of Official Plan till after the 2018 Municipal Election Transition Practices for Development Applications Upon Council adoption of the proposed new Official Plan, the following will apply: Complete development applications submitted after Burlington Council adoption, but prior to Regional Council approval, will continue to be processed under the in force and effect Official Plan (1994, as amended), but during the review of the application, staff will be referring to the objectives and encouraging the applicant to consider the objectives applicable to the Downtown Mobility Hub in the proposed new Official Plan. Complete development applications submitted after Regional approval must conform with the proposed new Official Plan, with exception of any policies that are under appeal. Source: Staff Report PB-50-17, Nov. 30 P&D agenda; p26

Motion: 2 Direct staff to discuss with the Region and province the possibility of removing the mobility hub classification for the downtown, and shifting the Urban Growth Centre from downtown to the Burlington GO station. Source: PB-81-17, Nov. 30 P&D, Appendix B

Motion 3: Staff Direction Source: PB-81-17, Nov. 30, Appendix C Motion 3: Staff Direction Direct staff to work with the Region of Halton to review the Downtown Urban Growth Centre boundaries, and consider restoring original boundaries with the exception of Spencer Smith Park.   Source: PB-81-17, Nov. 30, Appendix B

Source: PB-81-17, Nov. 30, Appendix A

Principles of Urban Growth Centre: “In developing a boundary, consideration was given to those existing, stable low density residential areas, many of which have a unique character and include key cultural heritage resources. Where possible these stable neighbourhoods were excluded from the Urban Growth Centre.” Source: Staff Report PL-93-06, Urban Growth Centre Boundary, Sept. 13, 2006, pg4

APPENDIX D Motion 4: 4A) Retain the current height restriction of 4 storeys (with permission to go to 8 storeys with community benefits) for the Downtown Core Precinct 4B) Include a range of heights in the precinct, to help secure community benefits during redevelopment (retain “as of right” at 4 storeys) 4C) Include policies to allow additional density in developments that preserve heritage buildings, as a factor of square footage preserved.

Appendix E

Heritage 90 properties in the downtown mobility hub study area of heritage significance (municipal register or designated) Of these, 26 are designated, 24 in the St. Luke’s/Emerald precinct 12 in the Downtown Core Precinct; none designated; 6 in the Brant Main St precinct, none designated; 3 in the Cannery Precinct, none designated Source: PB-11-18, Jan. 23, Pg 13

Heritage properties (not designated) in Downtown Core include: 415 & 417 Elizabeth: The Stinson – Morrine House (Village Square) 423 Elizabeth: The Bastedo – Redmond House 451 Elizabeth: Former Methodist Episcopal Church (Navy League building) 482 Elizabeth: The Laing – Speers House (former Rosewater Spa) 490 Elizabeth: The Laing – Fisher House 2031 James St 482 John Street (In House store) 383-385 Pearl (former tea house)

Heritage incentives during redevelopment Existing Official Plan: PART III – LAND USE POLICIES –URBAN PLANNING AREA, Section (h), pg 80 “Significant cultural heritage resources should be preserved and integrated into new development…. The transfer of development rights to other lands within the Old Lakeshore Road Precinct is permitted… once the building has been designated pursuant to Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act and a conservation easement has been granted.” 2101 Old Lakeshore Road (The Chrysler Carriage House): A floor area of 320 sq.m. may be transferred to other lands in the East Sector 2084 Old Lakeshore Road (former Estaminet): A floor area of 1,500 sq.m. maybe transferred to other lands in the West Sector

Motion 5: 5A) Height restriction of 3 storeys along Brant Street with permission to go to 11 storeys along John Street frontage only with the provision of community benefits. Addressed 5B) Remove special policy area at the South East corner Brant/James.

Motion 6: Mid-Rise Residential Precinct: 6A. Add the north west corner of Burlington Avenue and Lakeshore Road to the special planning area (6 storeys) to match the north east corner. 6B. Retain height both sides to 3 storeys. Motion 7: Cannery Precinct: Reduce the cannery district at the north east corner of Lakeshore Road and Brant Street to 15 storeys.

Motion 8: Upper Brant Precinct: 8a. Remove East side of Brant from Blairholm to Prospect 8b. Remove West side of Brant from Blairholm to Olga

New** Motion 9: 9A. Remove park area of Lion’s Club park from St. Luke’s Precinct and add it to Downtown Parks and Promenades Precinct 9B. Retain existing development permission on South side (4-9 storeys) side Proposed: North - Downtown Parks & Promenades Precinct; South - retain existing 4-8 storeys Existing: Downtown Core (4-8 storeys) Draft OP: South - Downtown Core (up to 17 storeys); North - Emerald (2.5 storeys)

**New** Motion 10: Background: Official Plan Chapter 3 Section 3.1.1 (2)(i) requires a housing impact statement for developments that have “more than 200 dwelling units” to achieve affordable, special needs and assisted housing (i). That metric is too high. Instead, replace this metric with a percentage target for mid and high rise developments. Motion: (Two parts) 10A . In the Official Plan Chapter 3 Section 3.1.1 (2)(i) delete “more than 200 dwelling units” and add a target percent of new mid-rise and high-rise units to achieve Affordable Assisted Special needs housing, as defined in Halton Region’s Annual State of Housing report 10B. Add bullet (v) to achieve a minimum percent of new mid and high rise developments that shall be family units (minimum 3 bedrooms)

**New** Motion 11 Direct Staff to: Proceed with the incorporation of the Downtown Mobility Hub Precinct Plan, as amended, into the New Official Plan, with the exception of the proposed Downtown Core precinct; and Retain a maximum building height permission equal to the existing as- built building height which currently exist on properties within the proposed Downtown Core precinct area; and Bring forward refined policies for the downtown precinct as part of the final Downtown Area Specific Plan. Source: PB-11-18, Jan. 23, Pg 17