Charles Darwin By Cami Crouch 2nd Period
Beagle Voyage Charles Darwin sailed on a ship named the Beagle. It may have been the defining experience of his life. It may have also ruined his health. A poisonous bug bite caused chronic illness: ulcer, diverticulitis and gall bladder disease. He studied marine life and flora and fauna of South America for the five year trip.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Darwin’s theory stated that life on earth is the result of billions of years of adaptations to changing environments. He didn’t coin the phrase “survival of the fittest”. He did develop the idea of natural selection.
Natural Selection Charles married his cousin Emma. They had 10 children. He believed they passed along weak constitutions to their children. 3 died as babies. “Individuals born with certain characteristics: strong legs, good eyesight, ect. can pass these characteristics onto their children.” If the environment changes, strong characteristics help to adapt to change.
Charles Darwin Wrote 19 books in his lifetime. Was very controversial in his beliefs. Was born February 12, 1809 Died April 19, 1882 at the age of 73. Is buried in West Minister Abbey.