Animal Behavior
Adaptation Review Adaptations are traits that increase an organism’s chance of survival in a particular environment. Adaptations are inherited from parents. Adaptations can be physical or behavioral. Ex. Fur color, nocturnal vs. diurnal, hibernation (winter) and estivation(summer) Ex. Flower color, thorns, catching flies
Learned Behaviors in Animals Learned behavior has been changed by practice or experience. Habituation-doing something so much you do not think about it anymore. Conditioning-making a mental connection between a stimulus and a reward or punishment. Ex. Trial and Error (maze), Pavlov’s Dogs Insight Learning/Reasoning
Animal Behaviors Instinct behavior (innate) is behavior that the animal is born with. Taxis-movement in relation to a stimulus that has a direction toward or away from the stimulus Reflex-movement in relation to a stimulus. Ex. Fight or Flight, reproduction, protection from predators, hibernating/estivating What controls these behaviors? DNA!!!
Imprinting Imprinting is a type of behavior that is both learning and innate. There is a limited phase in an animal’s development which is the only time when certain behaviors can be learned Konrad Lorenz
Social Behaviors Courtship- Dances to attract mates Territoriality-mark the area so others know it is your area Hierarchy – social levels within a group Communication- inform others of location of food or danger Pheromones Bee Dances
Behavior 1. Is this video showing a behavior related to: Courtship Migration Territorality Communication Learned Behavior
Behavior All animals function on circadian rhythms. Rhythmic Behaviors-behaviors that occur in a cycle or pattern. All animals function on circadian rhythms. “biological clocks” Include activities an animal would do in a 24 hour cycle. Ex. Sleep, Wake, Eat, Excretion, etc. Annual Rhythms=occur over several seasons or a year. Hibernation/estivation Plant Biological rhythms-photoperiodism
Behavior Activities / 2.1.2/ 15 pts.
Earthworm Lab / 2.3 Purpose: What behaviors would an earthworm exhibit to adapt/survive in the environment? Hypothesis: Data: Copy Table on Board. Conclusion: