Chapter-6 LEARNING
LEARNING refers to a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of practice or experience.
Features of Learning Learning always involves some kinds of experience. Behavioral changes that occurs due to learning are relatively permanent. Learning is an inferred process and is different from performance.
Types of Learning Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Cognitive Learning Observational Learning Skills Learning Concept Learning Verbal Learning
Pavlov’s Experiment
Principles of Classical Conditioning Acquisition Extinction Spontaneous Recovery Generalization and Discrimination
DEFINITION : it refers to changes in the way information is processed as a result of experience a person or animal has had. Types : 1. Insight Learning 2. Latent Learning
Insight Learning Latent Learning A problem is posed , a period follows during which no progress is made , and then the solution comes suddenly. Human beings solve a problem insightfully usually experiencing a good feeling. Latent Learning The word latent means “hidden” and thus it is a learning occurs but it is not evident in behavior until conditioned for appearance are favorable. It is said to occur without reinforcement of particular response and involves changes in ways information is processed.
DEFINITION : The acquisition of new forms of behavior information on concepts through exposure to others and the consequences they experience.
STEPS Attention Retention Production Process Motivation