Scientific Models Scientists create models to help them visualize, or picture in their mind, something that is difficult to see or understand.
What is a Model? Any representation of an object or an event used to better understand the natural world.
Why do Scientists Use Models? To represent something that is: Too big Too small Too dangerous Too time consuming Too expensive The Earth is too _______ The Atom is too _____
What are Limitations to Using Models? Models may: 1* be LESS ACCURATE than 2* NOT WORK OR MOVE EXACTLY like the actual Object or phenomenon!
Limitations of Models: What should a Model look like? Scientific models may not always look like the actual object. A model is an ATTEMPT to use familiar ideas to describe unfamiliar things in a visual way. We will never know what dinosaurs really looked like so we use aspects of birds reptiles and other mammals to make an educated guess.
4 Types of Models Physical Mathematical Computer Generated Idea Models that you can see and touch. Mathematical Formulas that describe a concept. Computer Generated Built using computer software Idea Concepts that describe how someone thinks about something in the natural world.
Models Start Off Simple and Are Added Onto! Scientists build their models using only the data that they have collected. As new scientists learn more & evidence is added, the model changes to fit that evidence. Science is Always Changing!!! Pluto was the last planet in the solar system to be discovered in 1930 OR WAS IT ?
In fact Scientists are still working on this model Is Pluto a Planet or Not??? Pluto was thought to be the 9th planet but scientists have found new evidence to suggest that Pluto is in fact one of three formations which orbit Neptune. Therefore the model very recently changed. The model is changing based upon new evidence!
Atom Models do not show accurate movement of electrons! This atom model shows the parts and structure of the atom. Even though we do not know where an electron is located at a given time, scientific models must be based on evidence. The model above represents the most modern version of the atom the Electron Cloud Model. (Artist drawing)
Models are never complete…Science is ALWAYS CHANGING! Scientific Models are never really finished. As new information is discovered, models can be modified or changed. Can you identify this much changed model?