SIRAGU Montessori school Chennai, Avadi. Primary project steward : Sandeepa Kolli. Secondary project steward : Swati Venkatraman.
Introduction A Montessori school started by the Suyam Education Trust, Siragu serves the scheduled tribes community in the Avadi region of Chennai. Siragu is the flagship project of Asha for Education- Cleveland. Asha for Education- Cleveland has been donating towards the operating expenses of Siragu to the order of $6000 every year. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
School Details Kindergarten to 8th std NIOS and ICSC syllabus followed. Montessori style of teaching. Teaching staff: 14 Non teaching staff: 8 School timings : 9.00 A.M to 3.45 P.M - Monday to Friday. No selection criteria, free education and accommodation provided to all the students of the near by begging community. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Student enrollment Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Building details School located in rural area Its own building Playground 6 toilets - 3 boys and 3 girls. 1 kitchen. 2 - 32 seated school buses. Parents do help on renovation and maintenance of the school building if needed. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Challenges Finding the teaching staff Children need special attention Parents need awareness Children need to go out for 9th and 10th. Expanding the school building. Finding volunteers. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Government recognition & RTE Got NOC from State Government and applied for ICSE recognition. In the process of completing the queries from Central Government. Does not fall under RTE act but do not have any document from government mention this. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Improvements since last visit Last site visit date : 11/12/2013 The main concern was school’s hygienic conditions. Various skin infections (in pictures) was assumed to be due to this. But was clear explanation was provide by Siragu on call. Recorded telephonic conversation is available for more details or later reference. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Budget Asha has been funding for Uma (Co founder) salary since 2005. Uma’s responsibilities include Director of the school Defining syllabus Training teachers on Montessori style of teaching. Providing special focus on children Help them adapt more civilized life style. Educating parents. Involving in fund rising activities along with Muthuram. Brains behind siragu. Rs.1,20,000 goes to Uma, rest operational expenses of the school. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Proposal In addition to Uma’s salary and regular school operational expenses, school is in need of below items. New water tank 10th batch waiting to take NIOS and IGCSC exams Need more class rooms with increasing number of students. Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
School Contacts Siragu Montessori School Palavedu Pettai (via IAF Avadi), Chennai 600 055, Tamilnadu , India Tel No: 91-44-6555 2585 Muthuram : 9840365819 Uma: 7299882028
Pictures Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018
Pictures Asha Cleveland 11/21/2018