KIT: UNM IT Knowledge Management June 9, 2016
What is KIT? KIT = Knowledge Engineering IT FastInfo answers KIT Vision: FastInfo Public answers owned by IT will be current, accurate and provide answers efficiently. Best practices will be used as the standard for published answers Answers will be reviewed and “quality-checked” on an ongoing, scheduled basis. Appropriate answers will be returned at the top of the list when searches/queries are submitted. End Users will see the Knowledge Base as performing efficiently and effectively, giving the information needed.
KIT Roles Service Owner Subject Matter Expert (SME) Accountable for delivery of service. Sends answers for review to the SME of that service. Subject Matter Expert (SME) Experts in the knowledge of information provided in FastInfo. Each FastInfo answer will have an SME assigned. Determines status of answer and sends status to Technical Editor. Works with Knowledge engineer to update answers. Technical Editor (TE) Member of KIT team. Publishes and Retires answers, assigns Knowledge Engineer and/or resets review dates in Knowledge tool. Quality Check of provided FastInfo answers prior to publishing
KIT Roles (cont’d) Knowledge Engineer FastInfo System Member of KIT team Works with SME to revise answers Quality Check prior to publishing answers Submits changes in FastInfo system for review by TE FastInfo System Generates Service Owners’ Report (Answers due for review) Stores FastInfo answers for editing and publishing
Fields in the FastInfo editing tool Every public IT FastInfo has embedded information to identify the Service, Service Owner and SME for that answer.
How does the process work? (Existing FastInfos)
Sample of the Automated “Monday Morning” Email: The alert "You have FastInfo answers requiring review" fired. Thank you for participating in the KIT maintenance process to ensure IT FastInfo answers reflect accurate information. Please, as you review your answers, especially look for any "BLCSR" references. BLCSRs do not exist in the new Help.UNM system and the text needs to be updated. Please send your responses to Please indicate the STATUS of the answers: A = okay as is; B = needs updates; C = delete requested. ********************************************** For a quick tutorial on what is being asked of you in this maintenance process, please see FastInfo #5070 (For IT FastInfo answers, what is expected from Service Owners and SMEs for answer maintenance?) *********************************************** ***Known Issue: If the Outlook client is used for LoboMail the KIT spreadsheet will be viewable with all data. If OWA (Webmail) is used for LoboMail, macros and other items are considered a security risk and are blocked, i.e., the spreadsheet will not include any data. Please email stating OWA is not allowing you to view the KIT data and another report will be emailed to you. Note: The attached file contains a spreadsheet in xml format. Upon opening the file you may receive a warning message stating the format is different from that specified by the file extension. It is safe to open to the file.
Sample of the Automated “Monday Morning” Spreadsheet
Sample of email sent to the SME for FastInfos that need updates: From: (KIT Team Member) To: SME In your recent review of FastInfos you identified FastInfos #xxxx, xxxx, and xxxx as needing edits. Attached are editable Word documents for those FastInfos. Please make your updates on the Word documents. When you have completed your edits, open a Help.UNM Service Request and a task to the “CSS – KIT” team. Thank you for helping keep the IT FastInfo knowledgebase current.
Sample of email sent to the SME and Service Owner when work on the FastInfo is completed: The following new FastInfo answers have been published: Thank you for helping to keep FastInfo up to date!
Tip: In FastInfo, search on the word “KIT”. Three FastInfos appear: For IT FastInfo answers, what is expected from Service Owners and SMEs for answer maintenance? FastInfo 5071 For IT, how do I determine whether to put my information into a FastInfo answer, a web page or somewhere else? FastInfo 5503 Is a checklist available to assist KIT KEs when modifying IT FastInfo answers?
Critical Success Factors The KIT process has a critical dependency on Service Owner support Timely responses Answers are efficient and answer questions effectively Zero repeat answers for review on Monday spreadsheet
KIT Challenges Consistent responses to Monday email Time constraints Varying response methods to answers in review Relies heavily on Email
What’s next? RFP for Knowledge Management System Integration with tools already in place Review process can be streamlined
KIT Review Process Monday Mornings, IT Service Owners are emailed an automated spreadsheet listing FastInfos in Automatic Review status. The spreadsheet is customized: Service Owners only see FIs owned by them. If no answers are in Automatic Review status, a spreadsheet is not delivered. The Service Owner (SO) quickly reviews the answers on the spreadsheet & , if needed, emails KIT ( corrections to the SO/Service/SME information. The Service Owner forwards the spreadsheet to the SMEs with the instruction to email KIT the status of each answer assigned to the SME. The SME reviews the FastInfo answer(s) on The SME then sends KIT an email stating the status of each FastInfo: (a) “it’s okay as is” OR (b) “it needs updating” OR (c) “it should be deleted”. (The feedback, in this step, is simple -- it should not be time consuming. If the status is (b) needs updating, the changes are not expected to be sent during this step.)
KIT Review Process The SME reviews the FastInfo answer(s) on The SME then sends KIT an email stating the status of each FastInfo: (a) “it’s okay as is” OR (b) “it needs updating” OR (c) “it should be deleted”. (The feedback, in this step, is simple -- it should not be time consuming. If the status is (b) needs updating, the changes are not expected to be sent during this step.)
What does KIT do with the feedback from the SME? SME says “A” (the FI is okay as is): The information (content) in the answer will not be changed as the KIT team does not have expertise in the subject area – the SME has the expertise. KIT might make Quality Assurance edits to follow best practice standards for font, color, grammar, punctuation, format, use of keywords, etc. The answer will be republished & the next review date set for 6 months out. SME says “C” (the FI should be deleted): The answer’s status is set to “Hidden” and it disappears from public view. (In the public view of FastInfo, KIT should do a search on the FI number. If none appear, it’s okay to leave the FI in Hidden Status. If other answers appear, check to ensure they do not refer/link to the deleted FastInfo. If they do, address that with the SME.) SME says “B” (the FI needs updating): KIT sends the SME a Word document of the FI to be edited. When the answer is updated & republished, an email is sent to the Service Owner & SME.