Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP2 Development internationalization strategy and recognition model Nenad Marković, MSc – prof. dr Dejan Bokonjić – Slobodanka Krulj, MSc University of East Sarajevo 2.1. Workshop, University of Bihac/ 05-08.09.2016. Project number: 561874-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP   "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Description WP2 Title: Development internationalization strategy and recognition model Work package type: Development Description: This WP aims to develop a recognition model for Higher Education institutions in BH for practicing fair recognition according to the principles of the Lisbon Recognition Convention, its subsidiary documents, latest EAR HEI Manual and the UNESCO Recommendation on the Recognition of Studies and Qualifications in Higher Education. The aim is also the development of a strategy for internationalization of all partner universities taking into consideration the entity/ national situation, diversity and priorities of all partner universities.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Description WP2 Internationalization strategies and measures will be in accordance with Mobility Strategy 2020 for the EHEA. Mobility Strategy 2020 obliges all Higher Education institutions in EHEA to create a strategy and measures (indicators) for internationalization.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Tasks WP2 Education of B&H partners for strategic planning and developing indicators, and recognition model, Development of recognition model, Development 8 internationalisation strategies for partner universities, Development internationalisation measures/ indicators for 8 partner universities, Comparative analysis of all created documents within this WP among BH partners.

Related assumptions and risks Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Related assumptions and risks WP2 Assumptions: recognition model should be related to the European model, BH partners should be trained to develop a strategy and indicators, strategies should be related to indicators, readiness to comparative analysis of created documents. Risks: mismatching recognition model with the European model, incoherence strategy with indicators.

Estimated Start/ End Date Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Estimated Start/ End Date WP2 01-04-2016 / 28-02-2017 Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualification in Higher Education BH Lead Organization

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.1. 2.1. Title: Workshop for developing recognition model, internationalization strategy and indicators Type: training material, event, report Description: The main objective of this WP is the training of BH project partners on the essential elements of models for the recognition of qualifications, the development, implementation and control strategy of internationalization and indicators. Later on, the trained personnel will play a role at their institutions as coordinators of the strategies, indicators and recognition models. Given that in BH there are no recognition model, strategy and internationalization indicators, their development and implementation will be crucial for the improvement and internationalization processes in BH and the process of recognition of qualifications (in accordance with guidelines of ministries).

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.1. 2.1. This workshop is the input for other activities within this WP. The basic inputs for this activity are the transfer of experiences of EU partners to BH partners and the will of BH partners to gain additional knowledge and skills. Quality training materials offered by the EU partners will be a very important factor. The workshop will last for five working days (Mostar). All partners will participate in this event. Due date: 16-05-2016

Outcome 2.1. Travel costs and costs of stay Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.1. 2.1. Travel costs and costs of stay Institution Number of participants Travel costs Costs of stay KU 2 550 1200 IPP 720 BUCKS UBL 3 540 1800 UNBI UES UNSA UNTZ UNZE HEA 1 180 600 RS HEAA MPKRS

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.2. 2.2. Title: Development of recognition model for BH HEIs Type: report, service/ product Description: The main goal of this outcome is the development of the recognition model for BH Higher Education institutions and the harmonization of procedures for recognition of foreign higher education qualifications at HEI in BH (educaiton/ role of ministries and CIP). Newly created model should be in line with existing European model, in order to achieve alignment and harmonization of the BH legislation pertaining to the recognition of the European legislation. This model will offer introduction of recognition, recognition process, qualification types, information instruments, mobility, and will be important tool for the process of internationalization and recognition of qualifications.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.2. 2.2. The development of this document and compliance with it is a condition for joining the EHEA and EAR. The main input for this activity is the analysis of the literature and analysis of the existing practices related to the recognition of qualifications. The writing of this document will last a total of 20 working days. WP Leader will be responsible for the coordination and implementation of activities. All partners will participate in the implementation of this activity. Due date: 15-08-2016

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.2. 2.2. Staff costs Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer Technician Administration CIP   20,0 4,0 1828 KU 10,0 2140 IPP 15,0 2055 BUCKS 9,0 1926 UBL 1200 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE HEA RS HEAA

Outcome 2.2. Subcontracting costs Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.2. 2.2. Subcontracting costs Institution Nature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UBL Printing recognition model WP2, outcome 2.2. 400 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE CIP HEA RS HEAA Institution Nature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) CIP Translation services on local languages (bosnian, croatian, serbian) for WP2, outcome 2.2. 1000

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.3. 2.3. Title: Development of internationalization strategy at all partner universities Type: report, service/ product Description: The main goal of this activity is the development of strategies for internationalization and promotion of mobility in accordance with the cultural context of the institution including the participation of all relevant stakeholders (students, teachers and administration). Each BH university should develop their own strategy or upgrade the existing strategy for internationalisation containing the basic elements that would allow greater internationalisation of the institution and the mobility of both staff and institutions.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.3. 2.3. The main reason for conducting this activity is that the accreditation of HEI internationalization has been evaluated as one of the worst segments. The basic inputs for this activity are the trained staff in terms of strategy development, different available literature on strategic planning (to be provided by the WP leaders), and the existing system of strategic planning. All BH universities will be involved in the implementation of this activity. The total duration of this activity is 25 working days. Due date: 15-12-2016.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.3. 2.3. Staff costs Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer Technician Administration UBL   25,0 2000 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE

Outcome 2.3. Subcontracting costs UBL UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.3. 2.3. Subcontracting costs Institution Nature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) UBL Printing strategy and indicators, WP2, outcome 2.3 and 2.4. 400 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE

Outcome 2.3. Subcontracting costs CIP Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.3. 2.3. Subcontracting costs Institution Nature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) CIP Translation services on local languages (bosnian, croatian, serbian) for WP2, outcome 2.3. and 2.4. 2000

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.4. 2.4. Title: Development of internationalization measures/ indicators at all partner universities Type: report, service/ product Description: The main goal of this activity is the development of indicators or measures that will illustrate in detail the set strategic objectives which will be linked to the strategy of internationalization of BH universities. Each partner institution should develop its own set of indicators of internationalization which will be linked to the strategy. Indicators of internationalisation are the key factor that needs to point out and monitor the implementation of the strategic goals of activity 2.3.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.4. 2.4. The basic inputs for this activity are the trained personnel and the prepared strategic objectives and key / critical areas that should be linked to the indicators. The total duration of this activity is 15 working days. Participants in these activities are all BH project partners. After the indicators have been developed, they will be printed together with the strategy, and then they will be translated into the English language Due date: 15-02-2017.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.4. 2.4. Staff costs Institution Number of days Total (EUR) Manager Teacher/ trainer Technician Administration UBL   15 1200 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNTZ UNZE

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.5. 2.5. Title: Comparative analysis of developed key documents Type: event, report Description: The main goal of this activity is to make a comparative analysis of documents developed at BH partners and recognition model with european one. This training will offer a variety of mechanisms for implementation and control strategies, and monitoring and control developed indicators. This way BH partners will be supported and trained in taking further steps of strategic management (strategic planning, implementation and control) with the presentation of scientific-based models. The main inputs are a developed recognition model, developed strategies and indicators of internationalisation.

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.5. 2.5. The seminar will last for four days, with the presence of all project partners. Due date: 15-03-2017

Outcome 2.5. Travel costs and costs of stay Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Outcome 2.5. 2.5. Travel costs and costs of stay Institution Number of participants Travel costs Costs of stay KU 1 275 480 IPP 360 BUCKS UBL 2 960 UNBI UNMO UES SVEMO UNSA UNZE CIP 180 HEA RS HEAA FMON MPKRS

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education WP2 Subcontracting costs Institution Nature, type and specifications of the item Amount (EUR) CIP Printing materials for WP2 (preparation for events, reports) 300

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education