BRIGHT 1 Unit 7 Things in My House
Can you name these rooms of a house?
Do you know what are these? Things in the Bedroom Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Things in the Living Room Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Do you know what are these? Things in the Kitchen Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Things in the Dining Room Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Things in the Practice Room Do you know what are these? Things in the Practice Room clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Do you know what are these? Things in the Bathroom Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Do you know what are these? Things in the Garden Do you know what are these? clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart clipart
Can you match these pictures with its names? a clean sink clipart sharp scissors clipart clipart a cozy sofa beautiful flowers clipart clipart b big speaker
Noun Phrase a purple cozy sofa Look at this example! clipart Look at this example! A noun phrase is a group of words that consists of a noun and one or more adjectives. We make noun phrase to tell how something is like.
two beautiful paintings Noun Phrase How to make a noun phrase? The pattern is: adjective + noun two beautiful paintings An adjective is used to modify a noun a big house a large yard
Now let’s practise on page 102!