Game Planning (Curt Hubbard: 468-1609) Game Philosophy Positive attitudes and safety Appearance (hats, tucked in, etc.) Fair is not equal (parent understanding) Parent volunteerism and information Less coaching & more playing Double goal: Win and have fun Kid Psychology Know your players (physical & mental) 5:1 positive to “critique” ratio Preparation Establish game timeline (be prepared) Line-up card Conceptualize game Disseminate to parents prior to game (1 day out if possible) Random or planned? Little difference! Assignment of coaching duties Pitch Count 1st Base / 3rd Base (train them!) Coach pitcher and backup catcher Outfield coaches and “Dugout Mom” Pre-game warmup (45 minutes min): Hitting stations x 3 (T, ST, Whiffle ball) (15 min) Throwing / pitching (“Tolberg 3”) (15 min) Kids throw to kids Taking infield / fielding (10 minutes ) Calisthenics (playing tag / stretching) –TBD Start on time! Defensive rotation of players Focused positions vs. exposure to all “Gentlemen’s Rules” (coaches) Treatment of umpires End on time and post field prep (good game) Situation “talk through” on small field (prior to game) Runners “High five” 1st base coach (far down line) Work weaker fielders in at 3rd and catcher Use a good catcher for kid pitch innings “Skill Zone” instead of bench (play 9 & work 2) 4-6 & 6-4 plays are key “Sandwich” non-hitter between good Constant situation talk to keep heads in the game Save a pitcher for the 10-run rule inning Meet players going on and coming off field every time Tips Tips