Interprofessional Systems to Enhance Professionalism AA Professionalism Meeting July 1-2, 2013 Rebecca Saavedra, EdD Vice President Strategic Management Co-Chair President’s Professionalism Committee
UTMB Legacy of Professionalism Student Honor Education Council SOM (1990) Professionalism Committee (1997) Student Honor Pledge (2001) John P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine (2001) ABIM Grant Putting the Charter into Practice (2002) UTMB Professionalism Charter (2003- 2013) John P. McGovern Chapter of the Gold Humanism Honor Society (2005) Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Creating a Strategic Focus Gap Analysis Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Promoting a Culture of Respect An Enterprise Wide Approach: Professionalism is everyone’s responsibility. Represents the Culture Based on ABIM Physician’s Charter Provided at orientation Refreshed every five years Available on line Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair, Professionalism Committee
Aligning Goals and Measures Culture Metrics Student Survey Employee Survey Patient Survey Voice of the Patient Culture of Trust Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Key Processes and Measures Climate Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Remediating Student Behaviors Early Concern Note (ENC Process) Receive 1-2 reports/month Most students receive no ECN Most students with an ECN receive only 1 Med school behavior relates to future behavior Multiple ECNs correlate with increased adverse events Highest risk students may have least insight Reinforce that professional behavior matters Provide progressive levels of intervention Allow flexibility in intervention formality and consequence designed in 2000 within SOM emphasizes career-long importance of professionalism longitudinal tracking system methods to assist students confidential, voluntary and separate from academic record (up to a point) 1st ECN – meet with ENC Administrator 2nd ECN – meet with oversight committee 3rd ECN – meet with Academic Progress Committee has been adapted/adopted by SON and SHP Professional responsibility, integrity (e.g. fails to fulfill responsibilities) Failure to attend a required activity Overstates level of abilities Pursuit of excellence, insight (e.g. seeks minimum standard of performance) Limited awareness of, or judgment regarding limits Seeks least level of effort Personal interactions (e.g. unable to establish rapport or empathy) Poor function in student groups Arrogant/abusive with staff For more information contact Dr. Michael Ainsworth Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Professional Concern Note Remediation On line report anonymous (unless student wishes to id self or nature of complaint is sexual harassment) Outcome measure Follow up with Dean or Clinical Chair Closure Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
IPE Curriculum & Competencies Knowledge Acquisition students will acquire insight into the knowledge skills and roles of healthcare related disciplines Observational Skills students will observe interprofessional teamwork and identify barriers and facilitating mechanisms for the development and operation of such teams Participatory Learning students will practice optimal interprofessional teamwork Innovation Development students will acquire the skills to develop, implement and evaluate interprofessional projects aimed at enhancing health and wellness. Leadership Building will learn to provide leadership in formulation of interprofessional teams including the elimination of barriers to success interprofessional education “whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Interprofessional education is expected to become an educational way of life at UTMB. Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
IPE Initiatives Family Home Visits – Fall 2012 – Spring 2013 Global Health Interprofessional Core Course- Fall 2012-Spring 2013 The Spirituality and Clinical Care Module – Spring 2013 Interprofessional Education Day – Spring 2013 Pediatric End of Life Simulation – Fall 2012 Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair Professionalism Committee
Advancing Professionalism Next Steps Develop a training and mentoring process for physicians to address and remediate disruptive behaviors Link compensation to performance Provide training for all employees aligning expectations and values IPE Program Review Measure and Improve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of professionalism and interprofessionalism Brown Bags Ethics Seminars Patient Simulations Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair, Professionalism Committee
Contacts For more information about Professionalism at UTMB or call Sheryl Lashway at 772-2910 For more information on the Synergy curriculum Rebecca Saavedra, Ed.D. Co-Chair, Professionalism Committee