Enterprise Infrastructure Supporting DOD Telecom Requirements UNCLASSIFIED Enterprise Infrastructure Supporting DOD Telecom Requirements 2018 and Beyond Andy Gomer. Executive Technical Advisor - IE 3 May 2018 UNCLASSIFIED UNITED IN SERVICE TO OUR NATION
INFORMATION SUPERIORITY IN DEFENSE OF OUR NATION. MISSION DISA, a Combat Support Agency, provides, operates, and assures command and control, information sharing capabilities, and a globally accessible enterprise information infrastructure in direct support to joint warfighters, national level leaders, and other mission and coalition partners across the full spectrum of operations. VISION INFORMATION SUPERIORITY IN DEFENSE OF OUR NATION.
DISA Services Course – Executive Overview February 2017 DISA’s Global Presence Acronyms DCC – DISA Command Center DCCC – DISA Customer Contact Center DECC – Defense Enterprise Computing Center DITCO – Defense Information Technology Contracting Organization DNC – DISA NetOps Center DSE – DISA Support Element DSO – Defense Spectrum Organization FC – Field Command FO – Field Office EOC – Enterprise Operations Center JFHQ- DODIN – Joint Force Headquarters-DoD Information Network JITC – Joint Interoperability Test Command JSP – Joint Service Provider JSSC – Joint Staff Support Center NIC – Network Information Center TNC – Theater NetOps Center WHCA – White House Communications Agency DNC-Forward – CENTCOM DISA Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) – Europe Theater NetOps Center (TNC) – NORTHCOM DISA NetOps Center (DNC) – CENTCOM DISA Global Operations Command DISA Command Center (DCC) Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ-DODIN) DISA Enterprise Operations Center (EOC) – Pacific DISA Headquarters DISA TRANSCOM FO DISA NORTHCOM FO DISA Alaska FO DISA Global Operations Command DCCC DISA CENTRAL FC DISA SOUTHCOM FO DISA SOCOM FO DISA EUR FC DISA AFRICOM FO DISA Korea FO DISA Japan FO DISA Okinawa FO DISA Guam FO DISA STRATCOM FO Bahrain FO DISA PAC FC DISA Hawaii FO DISA NATO FO FC–Field Command, FO–Field Office Joint Staff Support Center (JSSC) Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) Joint Service Provider (JSP) NIC DITCO Defense Spectrum Organization (DSO) Data Center CENT Data Center EUR Data Center CONUS x 8 DISA Elements are located in 21 states, 7 countries and one US Territory (Guam) 49% of DISA staff are at Headquarters, 51% are field locations There is a DISA field office co-located with and providing direct support for each of the nine unified combatant commands Globally, DISA must support the infrastructure/services as well as mission partners Part of the challenge is for all of DISA communicate a consistent message For example, as names change, DISA personnel should be informed and should begin using the new language across the board FYI – we have taught the DISA Services Course for almost every FC/FO/DISA site on this map! UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
DISA IE Organizational Changes IE-E Gomer IE Osborn (acting) IE1 Elder IE2 Grason IE3 Allison IE4 Jackson IE5 Balas IE7 Watson IE8 Cotter IE-A COL Rector IE-S Stephens IE-T Singleton Mil-Deputy Col Autrey Civ Deputy Osborn IE-TD Vacant Added the IE Executive Advisor Role (IE-E) Executive Advisor Function – “Get Things Done” Reduce Telecommunications Cost DoD-wide Increase bandwidth to users – eye on the future Improve Service Delivery Lead times to Mission Partners
Internet Access Points Enterprise Infrastructure and Services 8 Mobility Gateways 48 Satellite Gateways 16 Teleports 12.5TB Backbone 17,000 Circuits 10 Internet Access Points 31 Special Comms. Nations Non-Classified & Classified Networks 150K+ Multi-National Users 100+ Nations Cyber Security Joint Regional Security Stacks Robust, diverse, resilient, and protected communications and computing environment enabling the warfighter
IE-A Near-Term Focus OBJECTIVES Order of Magnitude Increase in DISN Optical Core Capacity 90+ Channels; each 100GB Minimum Chris Bunting already has this moving forward Change in how CC/S/As order service Ethernet Service; 10/100GB chunks 12.5TB Backbone
Internet Access Points 10 Internet Access Points IE-A Near-Term Focus OBJECTIVES Reduce Cost and Increase Bandwidth No more T1s/T3s/OC Re-Compete Circuits regionally Evaluate based on cost/speed Diversity wherever possible Encourage new providers to build into B/P/C/S Separate demarcs where possible Memo being staffed currently Order services with diversity specified Take advantage of separate commercial infrastructure Reduce Service Delivery lead-time Working with DITCO on streamlining IQO (aka bulletin board) process 17,000 Circuits
Internet Access Points IE-A Near-Term Focus OBJECTIVES Support Commercial Cloud Migration More Bandwidth and Reduced Latency to/from internet to DISN Cloud Access Point Support Shorter paths and embedded infrastructure in commercial data centers Investigating dark fiber IRUs 10 Internet Access Points
The Road from GSA NETWORX to Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) DISA preparing RFPs for initial requirements: Initial draft RFP for industry review in 6-8 weeks Task Orders cannot be awarded until: Order fulfillment systems are tested GSA grants ATOs Transition of DISA NETWORX requirements to EIS will take a few years: Many more individual Task Orders than there were for NETWORX due to contract structure 40-50 MPLS networks All ISP requirements ~ 4000 individual circuits
No Basic Agreement? Call or Email How can Industry Help? Work together! Particularly when multiple vendors are required to satisfy the requirement Look at teaming options that reduce cost or improve performance/availability If you have telecom services that you think can help DISA reduce life-cycle cost and/or improve performance and availability, reach out to my office: andrew.m.gomer.civ@mail.mil deborah.m.gerlisky.ctr@mail.mil Develop ways to help DOD meet our objectives Competition is inevitable Figure out ways to deliver better service, cheaper – and let us know. Get a Basic Agreement (BA) on file with DITCO and bid on IQO requirements No Basic Agreement? Call or Email 1-844-DISA-HLP Option 2 Email disa.dccc@mail.mil