BRother Ass Rev. 2108 Jan 02
This body is an ass that we ride through this world… Don’t spend all of your time taking of an ass. St.Francis of Assisi
LoB 28 The fully beautiful scenery after the rainy season was attractive to the eyes of everyone, including Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the cause of all causes.
We should always appreciate the creative energy of the Supreme Lord.
Beautiful nature, even though material and therefore temporary, is always full of the glories of the creator. There is a class of philosophers who condemn the material creation as false. This is not good. The temporary creation is also a relative truth. It is in fact the temporary picture of the eternal creation. The temporary creation gives an idea of this original creation. The devotees of the Lord, therefore, make the best use of the bad bargain by utilizing the temporary creation in the service of the Lord.
śrī-bhagavān uvāca kālo ’smi loka-kṣaya-kṛt pravṛddho tem·po·rar·y Mid 16th century: from Latin temporarius, from tempus, tempor- ‘time.’ Bg 11.32 śrī-bhagavān uvāca kālo ’smi loka-kṣaya-kṛt pravṛddho
Everything accepted in full God consciousness has its spiritual value, and by the grace of the Almighty its material effects are diminished in terms of the increasing degree of spiritual consciousness. That is the process for cultivating the human spirit.
Life is a cat’s and dog’s fight, and you gotta get the other guy before he gets you!
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I’m in here because I deserve it. O.K. Even if I decided to go straight, how will I be saved? How can I live in the straight world? !! Both my parents were functional alcoholics and they mentally abused me from day one.
I got a screwed up mind, and even if I get out, how am I gonna make a decent living?!! I got now skills. Within 8 months I’ll be right back here for stealing something.
There’s a Prison Psychologist Vocational Training. Social Worker! O. K. I’m gettin’ out-a here. I’m not ready to go now, but really quick I’m gonna get by stuff together. Get back with my wife and kid, get a job. This ain’t not my permanent home, but it’s the perfect place for me right now.
Every corner of every one of our Temples is Vaikuntha
That’s all folks