Case Assessment and Tracking System …an outline + Case Assessment and Tracking System …an outline NAME My name is Andy Grocott, I’m Lead Manager for CATS / ICT within NOMS CFO. WHY I’M HERE The purpose of this presentation is to give you an outline of the new version of CATS that will be used on CFO Round 3. How the system looks, and can be utilised The system is aligned to the processes flow expected of you in line with the payment mechanism process you will see later. This presentation will give you a flavor of what you can expect from the system Training will be provided to all users which will allow the two processes to be integrated BACKGROUND CATS has been successfully used by NOMS for the delivery of ESF programs for over 10 years. The system was developed to respond to the need for an effective web based case management tool which focused on removing the barriers to employment whilst offering effective performance management. ACCESS It will be accessible in prisons, probation areas and the community SECURITY The system is fully password protected, and users can be set up with pre-set access levels (roles), locations and contracts depending on their responsibilities. SCANNING It is planned that the system will reduce the amount of paperwork that is currently required to be transferred on the current CFO Round 2, by allowing providers to scan and upload relevant documentation – though we are still awaiting some clarifications on this. Andy Grocott Lead Manager (ICT / CATS) NOMS CFO
CATS+ The case management process can be broken down into 3 distinct phases. Initial – case manager will assess the offender (or participant), determine the barriers to employment, levels of motivation and any aspirations or ambitions. An initial action plan can be completed. Progress – the action plan is put into practice, the case is reviewed and any ongoing activity is recorded. You will see progress section in a later slide. End – where result are recorded – outcomes section. You will see in later slide.
CATS+ link with other NOMS Systems Links with current NOMS data systems allows the system to automatically update personal details, release dates and locations for participants. Once an offender has started on the ESF project, CATS can automatically track them between locations Update: Details Movements NOMS Data Systems DATA CONNECTIVITY Data feeds will supply CATS with information on a daily basis. Feeds currently exist for P-NOMIS (Prisoner Database), and are planned / anticipated for N-Delius (Probation Database) ELIGIBILITY These data feeds populate the “People” part of CATS, which means the system holds a list of people who are potentially eligible to be enrolled onto the CFO programme. Once identified, they can be allocated to a Case Manager, who will then have the necessary information required to see an offender and potentially enroll. AUTO-UPDATE / TRACKING Once an offender is a started on the programme, CATS will automatically transfer cases where appropriate, update basic information (name, date of birth, release dates etc.) and will track them automatically between other CFO establishments. Where existing IT systems do not record movements, a manual transfer (and creation) of case records is anticipated to be used. Populates a list of people that are potentially eligible for enrolment onto the CFO programme. Feeds into CATS “People” Database
REDESIGNED CATS has been re-designed to be more functional, and more customisable, hence it is “CATS plus”. This design will allow for enhancements and refinements based on your feedback throughout the programme. DASHBOARD The first screen you reach is the dashboard, an array of widgets that can be customised, dependant on role and data permissions So high level management functions can be performed of staff caseload, as well as case information Widgets will be built and made available to providers throughout the delivery of Round 3, bringing information to you and your staff based on what you need.
It is mandatory that CATS is used, and this centralises all work done with an offender in one place, which is useful for transition of cases between regions and also information required for audit CATS therefore expects certain parts of the system to be completed before you can continue. One mandatory element is the CFO Assessment. This assessment will ensure (and show ESF) that we are working with the right target group. Topics are aligned down the left, and clicking on each one will show the relevant questions. The assessment will also be available in a paperbased format *CLICK MOUSE* As each topic is completed, it must be locked and saved
Upon locking the topic, a score (attained from the bespoke CFO scoring mechanism) will be calculated, which will activate an identifier on the RAG (Red, Amber, Green) status area The RAG status forms two purposes. The top row is a record of our starting position, and will update should any subsequent assessments occur. The bottom row shows the case manager the current activity in progress with the participant
Once all the assessment has been completed and locked, the bar will look something like this As you can see, the assessment tool has identified potential issues with the following. *CLICK MOUSE* The colour of the RAG should not overrule the Case Managers knowledge and experience If they have more information that influences the offenders needs beyond the scope of the assessment, they need to ensure this information is justified and recorded within the timeline [progress] section of the system
The timeline. It is a visual representation of all the work [progress] you have performed with the offender, justifying expenditure and activities required to move them closer to mainstream activity. It can be filtered against topics and types of events As more and more events (such as adding an action plan, achievement, note) are added, the timeline expands, until you end up with something that looks similar to this *CLICK MOUSE* [Please excuse the colour scheme currently utilised, and the scroll not being smooth (that is a powerpoint issue)]
Looking at it in reverse, we can see: All work done with a participant Who did it When it was done Financially where it will be attributed It is a supportive audit trail of work you have done, and actions your staff have performed, working with the offender.
Multi-Programme 1 Person Multiple Records Transition More Developed Start Date Assessment Action Plan Etc. Transition - Name - Date of Birth - Address - NI Number - Risk Information - Sentence Information CATS+ “People” database allows for 1 ESF participant to be associated with multiple programmes. This means for those participants moving between the “Transition” and “More Developed” CFO programmes, [requiring a new start], core information such as address, contact, NI Number, risk and sentence information will already be there There will still be a requirement to validate this information however the need for re-collecting data that may only have been gathered for another NOMS CFO programme days ago, will not be required. Start Date Assessment Action Plan Etc. More Developed
CASE HISTORY To view a persons details, they do not need to be enrolled on a programme yet. On viewing their record, you will be able to see their person information, such as programmes they are currently or historically have been enrolled on *CLICK MOUSE* Person information is based across the following multiple tabs
CONTACT DETAILS Contains the persons contact details, as well as any other contacts you wish to record (spouse, employer, siblings etc)
SENTENCE INFORMATION Contains information specific to the persons current offence, release dates, offender manager etc
RISK INFORMATION Allows the latest risk information to be recorded
VALIDATION We can also check when information was last updated / validated