Module 1: Positive Self-Talk vs. Negative Self-Talk What is positive self-talk? How do we do it? Why do we do it? What is negative self-talk? Have you ever found yourself doing either one? Describe the situation to your partner. A little voice in our head gives us messages. Sometimes the messages say that we are clever and doing well. At other times they say that we are ‘stupid’ or that we can’t do anything. What is positive self-talk? How do we do it? Why do we do it? What is negative self-talk? Have you ever found yourself doing either one? Describe the situation to your partner.
Self-Talk Report Out Teacher leads a discussion, focusing on how Positive Self-Talk helped, and Negative Self-Talk hurt.
Making It Happen Write down how you feel when the messages are negative as well as how you feel when they are positive. The first has been done as an example. Distribute the handout “Making it Happen”. Have students write down how they feel when the messages are negative as well as how you feel when they are positive. The first has been done as an example. (Emphasize with students that we have all been there, we have all allowed negative self-talk to take over).
Example: Meeting someone for the first time. Negative Self-Talk Positive Self-Talk Example: Meeting someone for the first time. Why would they want to talk to me? Maybe Situation I’ll make a new friend. Feelings Frightened Excited Trying something you’ve never done before I’ll get it wrong and people will laugh. If I don’t get it right the first time, I’ll try again. A lot of people don’t get this the first time out. 2. Giving an oral presentation to the class They’ll laugh Everyone has to do one; I may as well go first and get it over with. 3. Asking to borrow something special They’ll say no. They’ll say yes. 4. Offering an opinion They’ll say I’m dumb. They’ll think I’m smart. I have as much right to my opinion as anyone. Go through the first one with them. Maybe talk about what is was like for you as a teacher to have 30-40 new kids walk into your room the first time. How negative self talk would have affected that first day vs. positive self talk. After going over the first example as a class, Students individually complete the ‘Making it happen’ worksheet, then share results and responses with a partner. Quick teacher-led review of responses, filling in several from the doc on the following slide.
Situation Negative Self-Talk Positive Self-Talk 5. Feelings 6. 7. 8. After the first section is done, have the students complete the reverse side by developing more situations, examples of positive/negative self talk, and how that talk makes you feel. If the class is unsure of how to proceed or low energy, go through the first couple as a whole class.