Remove The Nagatives Facilitated by a member of the faculty and/or staff at KEYS Academy and Options HS
Your Presenter… A member of the faculty at KEYS Academy or Options HS Internationally Certified in Life Skills through the ARISE Foundation
Rules for Training Participation is crucial No wrong/stupid answers Respect one another No talking while others talk, No rude comments or noises Wait until you’re called upon
Why we’re here… Because we have to be To learn some skills that will carry over into adulthood To learn more about ourselves
How we’re going to do it… Discussion Everyone participates Some, very little lecture Activity or activities Some Conclusions
Ice Breaker What is an ice breaker? Definition of an ice breaker: An activity used to lighten the mood and or get participants warmed up to the idea of interaction
Ice Breaker!!!!
Topic of the Day: Remove The Negative Does everyone have a negative influence? What is a Negative Influence? What are some types of negative influence?
Topic of the Day: Remove The Negative Why is it important to remove the negative? What are some things that people can do to remove themselves from the negative? What are some ways negative influences affects our daily lives? According to If you’re around people who spend all they make, chances are excellent you might spend all you make. If you are around people who don’t read, chances are excellent that you probably won’t read. Question- It’s easy to let influence shape our lives?
TWO key questions to ask yourself: 1. Who am I around? Make a mental note of the people with whom you most often associate. You’ve got to evaluate everyone who is able to influence you in any way. 2. What are these associations doing to me? That’s a major question to ask. What have they got me doing? What have they got me listening to? What have they got me reading? Where have they got me going? What do they have me thinking? How have they got me talking? How have they got me feeling? Your purpose in life or your potential for happiness/success in the future Any others?
Activity: Removing The Negative Activity Sheet p. 58 Volunteer read instructions Together come up with a list of things to say
Conclusions How do negative influences impact out daily lives and our future? Typically a combination Negative interactions lead to negative outcomes Positive interactions result in positive outcomes