Parent coffee morning Music at the Belham
To teach a child an instrument without first giving him preparatory training and without developing singing, reading and dictating to the highest level along with the playing is to build upon sand. Zoltan Kodaly
Whole school singing - the benefits Physical boosts immunity aerobic - improves stamina improves posture increases circulation - regulates heartbeat strengthens diaphragm/tongue/palate
Psychological produces endorphins - natural anti-depressant improves alertness/concentration/memory so increased self confidence building sense of community and team spirit explore our values - both as an individual and as a group
Social promote the values we expect from our children sense of intimacy in singing sessions helps support widening social circle boosts communication skills and children's use of language listening/performance
Material we use - things you can do
It's easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself. J.S. Bach
Peripatetic lessons at The Belham Currently: Year One - recorder Year Two - recorder, violin and ukulele Year Three - recorder, violin and ukulele and guitar for some Next year: As before with some changes - I'll let you know as soon as I can.
Practice Tips no experience required frequent, regular location, environment and readiness have a focus don't negotiate record them consider rewards encourage use the resources
FAQs What happens if my child is ill? My child is on a trip on a lesson day, will they still receive the lesson? When will that lesson be made up? What happens if my child loses their instrument? Who is responsible if the instrument is broken or damaged? Can my child play in an assembly?
July 5th - 6pm - Summer Concert Dates for your diary May 10th 9am - The Dancer - intro to a community piece for our first Summer Concert May 17th - 6pm - as above July 5th - 6pm - Summer Concert