One may see conduct on the part of their peers that raises the question:


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Presentation transcript:

One may see conduct on the part of their peers that raises the question: “Why are they doing the things they are doing, things inconsistent with the life of a Christian?” Being “religious” is not necessarily being faithful. What are the things involved with being faithful?

Some Things Involved with Being Faithful

Motives Faithfulness means serving one’s master consistently. Putting Him first (Matt. 6:33; 10:37). One must want to be pleasing to God. Always (Jn. 8:29; Rom. 15:3; 8:8; Gal. 1:10; 1 Thess. 4:1). Why desire to be pleasing? The fear of God (Heb. 10:31; 12:29; 2 Thess. 1:8). The love for God (Matt. 22:37). The desire for eternal life in heaven (Heb. 9:27)

Seek Pardon for Sins Committed This pardon is part of walking in the light (1 John 1:1-2:2) . Seeking of pardon should be part of our continuing relationship with God (Matt. 6:12-15).

Diligence in our Service to God It is a matter of commitment (1 Pet. 2:11-12). Be Sober (1 Pet. 5:8). We are on a spiritual battlefield (Eph. 6). Striving (Phil.1:27; Heb. 12:4) Wrestling (Eph. 6:12) Buffeting our bodies (1 Cor. 9:25, 27)

Faithfulness Requires Specific Behavior Stop the lying (Eph. 4:25). Bring anger under control (Eph. 4:26-27; Jas. 1:20). Turn from stealing, to earning (Eph. 4:28). Do away with corrupt speech (Eph. 4:29; 5:3-4; 5:12; Prov. 10:19). Put away violent emotions (Eph. 4:31). Be kind to one another (Eph. 4:32).

Being “religious” is not necessarily being faithful. One may see conduct on the part of their peers that raises the question: “Why are they doing the things they are doing, things inconsistent with the life of a Christian?” Being “religious” is not necessarily being faithful. What are the things involved with being faithful? We must have the proper motive. We must seek pardon for sins committed. Faithfulness requires diligence in our service to God. Faithfulness requires specific behavior.

Acts 9:18-19 (NKJV) 18 Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. 19 So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.

Acts 9:18-19 (NKJV) 18 Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight at once; and he arose and was baptized. 19 So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.