Our standard and quality observing system on our hydrological network is the scale battery system. It’s the oldest system to measure the rivers’s level waters in the world by Thillo since 1906
Data collected from this system are curate Data collected from this system are curate. As all others observing systems, it needs a permanent monitoring security system.This observing system needs to be controlled after each rainy season and just before the following season
On the whole national network, each observing station has an observer who can communicate per day or per hour to the national hydrological service data observed through his handy phone and can send at the end of month, the data for a month.
The advantage of this observing system is the cheapest side and all other observing system is always installed by using it and need to be closed, the disadvantage is the permanent monitoring
Our service had used a modern observing system in the past as a pilot project such as DCP ( Data Collect Platform). This system was locked two years after. It’s also a long process to get the data from this system. Difficulties are power and internet explorer, sometime lake of computer
Conclusion. To follow the technical evolution and get a good monitoring on their hydrological networks, developing countries have to use the two models because the oldest is cheap and data collected from this system are curate if the station observer is honest, developing countries have also to use the modern instruments because it’s the Globalization now