In what cases is an autopsy required? An Autopsy is required when there is Injury Delayed complications of injuries Poisoning Infectious complications Foul play People who die with no attending physician
Who performs the autopsy? The Medical Examiner!
Step 1. External Examination Body Measured and weighed Look for Rigor Mortis Look at clothes paying attentions to any unusual smells of odors Look for Lividity (blood pooling) to help determine time of death Check under Finger nails for evidence Extract vitreous fluid from eye and give to Toxicologist Step 1. External Examination
Step 2: Viewing Internal Organs Make ‘Y’ incision to expose internal organs Saw off ribs to expose internal organs Sternal plate or interior chest wall is cut away to expose the organs underneath
Step 3: Internal Examination Examine internal organs without removing them from the body Step 3: Internal Examination
Step 4:Remove Internal Organs Remove all organs form the thoracic (chest) cavity and abdominal (belly) cavity Dissect each organ Step 4:Remove Internal Organs
Step 5: Remove the Brain Using a vibrating saw remove top of cranium Remove brain Cut it fresh or fix it in formalin for future
Step 6: Weigh each of the organs Weighed one at a time except intestines and stomach Drain intestines in a sink to remove any indigested food and feces Cut open stomach and contents are examined Step 6: Weigh each of the organs
Step 7: Organs are replace in the the body and filled with filler material if needed.
Step 8: Stitch the Y incision back up. Continue onto brain tissue analysis Step 8: Stitch the Y incision back up.