Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 10/17/16 Agenda: Today’s Do Now: Explain in full sentences what is Algor mortis? New Seats Read, Sign, Submit the Rules and Regulations Contract Algor mortis graphs Estimating Time of Death PPT and guided notes – Lividity Objective(s): SWBAT: finish graphs on Algor mortis and begin notes on Livor Mortis
Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 10/18/16 Agenda: Today’s Do Now: Explain in full sentences what is Livor mortis? Estimating Time of Death PPT and guided notes – Lividity & Rigor mortis Objective(s): SWBAT: finish notes on Livor Mortis and Rigor Mortis and utilize a Reference Tables to make inferences on the time of death.
Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 10/19/16 Agenda: Today’s Do Now: Which factors can speed up Algor Mortis? Estimating Time of Death PPT – Decaying Notes Individual Work – Predicting Time of Death Objective(s): SWBAT: Determine the most accurate time of death using all 5 methods Accurately use reference materials to determine time of death
Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 10/20/16 Agenda: Today’s Do Now: Which factors can speed up Decomposition? Individual Work – Predicting Time of Death Activity Objective(s): SWBAT: Determine the most accurate time of death using all 5 methods Accurately use reference materials to determine time of death
Mr. Eberle’s Forensics 10/21/16 Agenda: Today’s Do Now: Identify the manner, cause, and mechanism in the following scenario: A man was stabbed during the course of a robbery. His injuries caused extensive bleed and eventually death. Manner: Cause: Mechanism: Individual Work – Predicting Time of Death review wkst Decomposition – Organizer review wkst TEST ON MONDAY! – PLEASE STUDY Objective(s): SWBAT: Complete a review sheet on predicting the time of death Complete a decomposition outline as review