Friday, December 4, 2015 8:10 – 8:40
Writing Lesson Being a Writer 8:40 – 9:25
Today’s Plan Explore first- and third-person points of view Explore pronouns and practice writing consistently from a single point of view. Continue to write second drafts Ask one another questions about your writing.
Explore First- and Third-person Points of View Point of View refers to who is telling the story. Some authors use an I narrator to tell the story; this is called the first-person point of view. When there is not an I narrator, the author is usually writing from the third-person point of view. “I” = First person No “I” = Third person (usually) In this lesson, the students learn to recognize the first-person point of view (the I narrator) and learn that when there is no I narrator, stories are usually being told from a third-person point of view. The look closely at the pronouns in the writing to determine the point of view, and they practice writing consistently from a single point of view. The work in this lesson lays the foundation for continued instruction in later grades on the first-, second-, and third-person points of view, including how to decide on a point of view for any particular popiece of writing.
Point of view in Two Stories Student Writing Handbooks page 19 Turn to page 19 in your Student Writing Handbook where the opening sentences of Uncle Jed’s Barbershop and The Sweetest Fig are reproduced. I’ll read the first one aloud and as a class we will try to figure out which words tells us that this excerpt is written from a first-person point of view. Jedediah Johnson was my granddaddy’s brother. Everybody has their favorite relative. Well, Uncle Jedediah was mine. He used to come by our house every Wednesday night with his clippers. He was the only black barber in the county. Daddy said that before Uncle Jed started cutting hair, he and Granddaddy used to have to go thirty mile to get a haircut. - from Uncle Jed’s Barbershop As volunteers respond, have them underline the first-person pronouns. Explain that my, mine, and our are pronouns and, if necessary, that pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Explain that these particular pronouns are called first-person pronouns and the I, me, we, and us are other examples of first-person pronouns. You might choose to put these on a chart and hang in the room. What words tell us that this excerpt is written from a first-person point of view?
Point of view in Two Stories Student Writing Handbooks page 19 Read silently with me while I read the second excerpt aloud. Monsieur Bibot, the dentist, was a very fussy man. He kept his small apartment as neat and clean as his office. If his dog, Marcel, jumped o the furniture, Bibot was sure to teach him a lesson. Except on Bastille Day, the poor animal was not even allowed to bark. - from The Sweetest Fig If necessary, point out that first-person pronouns do not appear in this excerpt. The pronoun he indicates that the story is being told by someone outside the story, or from the third-person point of view. How can we tell that this excerpt is not written from a first-person point of view?
Proofreading Notes Student Writing Handbooks Open your Student Writing Handbooks to the Proofreading Notes section. You will need add to your proofreading notes chart today. Remember that we will continue to do this as we learn. Rule Example Notes First-person point of view (“I” narrator) “Every year my father and I plant a garden.” First-person pronouns: I, my, me, mine, we, us, our(s) Third-person point of view (no “I” narrator) “Eva unwrapped a cinnamon Danish, opened her notebook, and stared helplessly at the wide, white pages. No first-person pronouns. Someone outside the story is telling it.
Independent Writing 9:00 – 9:25
Writing Time 20-30 minutes Pay close attention to the point of view of your story. Make sure the point of view in your story stays consistent, meaning that it stays the same throughout the story. Continue writing your second drafts, making this version a new and improved version. There is a list of conferencing questions available on page 308 if you need help knowing what to confer about.
Share Revisions and Reflect Volunteers needed to share your revisions. _________, how do you think your revision improves your piece? What questions can we ask ___________ about his/her revision? You will confer with partners tomorrow!
Extension Further Explore Point of View Think about the book you are currently reading. What point of view is that book written in? Here is a list of questions that will help you determine the point of view of your book. Who is telling the story in your book? How do you know? Is there an I narrator? If so, can you tell who it is? If there is no I telling the story, which character’s feelings and thoughts is the author telling you most about? How do you know?
Restroom Break 9:25 – 9:30
Vocabulary Lesson 9:30 – 9:40
Day 4 In this lesson, you will: Review and practice using the words conspicuous, suit, and spectacle from Day 3 Build your speaking and listening skills Use clarifying questions or statements
conspicuous suit spectacle Is a person wearing a bright orange vest conspicuous? Why? Turn to your partner. Prompt 1: A person wearing a bright orange vest [is/is not] conspicuous because…
conspicuous suit spectacle Does being solitary suit you? Why? Turn to your partner. Prompt 2: Being solitary [does/does not] suit me because…
conspicuous suit spectacle Would a parade of soldiers be a spectacle? Why? Turn to your partner. Prompt 2: A parade of soldiers [would/would not] be a spectacle because…
Create a Sentence Partners will do the activity “Create a Sentence.” Partners will work together to create sentences that use the vocabulary words.
conspicuous Remember that conspicuous means “obvious or noticeable.” How might you use the word conspicuous in a sentence? [pause] Turn to your partner.
Let’s discuss your sentences. Does ________ sentence make sense to say? Why?
suit Remember that suit means “something that is right for you or meets your needs.” How might you use the word suit in a sentence? [pause] Turn to your partner.
Let’s discuss your sentences. Does ________ sentence make sense to say? Why?
spectacle Remember that spectacle means “unusual or remarkable sight.” How might you use the word spectacle in a sentence? [pause] Turn to your partner.
Let’s discuss your sentences. Does ________ sentence make sense to say? Why?
Reading Lesson 9:40 – 10:55
Journal Writing Take a moment to think about what you plan to write. Turn and talk to your partner
Discuss the Writing Take turns talking about your journal entries with your partner. Use clarifying questions and statements when necessary. Have a few volunteers share their entries with the class.
What did you hear about _____’s book? What do you want to ask ______ about his/her book? Explain that making inferences is challenging, and assure the students that they will have many more opportunities to explore making inferences and to think about when they are making them in their independent reading.
Working Together How did using clarifying questions and statements help you and your partner work together this week? Turn to your partner. How has your partner helped you feel respected? How does that help you be a better learner? Turn to your partner.
Class Novel Book Clubs
Book Talk Meeting Discuss Chapter 4 Share summaries Predict what will happen in Chapter 5 based on the title and what you have learned so far
Teacher Read Chapter 5
Book Talk Meeting Discuss Chapter 5 Predict what will happen in Chapter 6 based on the title and what you have learned so far
**Focus Skill: inferences** INDEPENDENT READING Assignment: Chapter 6 (if needed, finish for homework) **Focus Skill: inferences** PCR QUESTION: Why does Omakayas say “she was in charge of Pinch, or he was in charge of her…”? Be sure to cite examples to explain your answer. (Discuss at Book Talk Meeting tomorrow)
Out of Classroom! Lunch 10:55 – 11:20
Restroom Break 11:20 – 11:30
SCIENCE TIME 11:30 – 12:20
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5C & 5.2A While walking through the park Sandra dropped her change purse into the sandbox. What are some ways she can get the money out of the sand? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.5B 42. What process is demonstrated in the diagram above? A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Precipitation D. Freezing
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.5B 42. What process is demonstrated in the diagram above? D. Freezing
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.2E 43. The above graphs shows the data collected while releasing a car down a ramp at different heights. What process does this graph show is important to do during an investigation?
3 trials for each variable tested
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5C 44. Which of the following is an example of a mixture whose ingredients keep their physical properties? A. Vanilla ice cream B. Fruit salad C. Blueberry muffins D. Chocolate chip cookies
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.5B 44. What process is demonstrated in the diagram above? Answer: B. Fruit Salad
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.2E 45. Which tool would be most useful in separating pepper from iron filings? A. Spoon B. Water C. Magnet D. Screen
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.5B 45. Which tool would be most useful in separating pepper from iron filings? Answer: C. Magnet
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.2D & 5.4A 46. Mrs. Chavez took a survey of all the science tools at her school. How many tools does she have that can be used to measure volume? A. 30 B. 40 C. 45 D. 50
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.2D & 5.4A 46. Mrs. Chavez took a survey of all the science tools at her school. How many tools does she have that can be used to measure volume? Answer: C. 45
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.8A, 5.2D Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Showers Mostly Sunny Partly Cloudy 7˚C High 9˚C 6˚C 11˚C 0˚C Low 1˚C -2˚C 3˚C 2˚C 60% Chance of rain 0% 10% 47. The above chart shows the predicted temperatures for a week in Rio Gallegos, Argentina. Which day has the highest probability of getting snow? A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 4.8A, 5.2D 47. The above chart shows the predicted temperatures for a week in Rio Gallegos, Argentina. Which day has the highest probability of getting snow? Answer: A. Monday
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5C Salt Pepper 48. Melissa mixes salt and pepper together for a project and wants to be able to separate the mixture after completing the project. Jesse suggests adding water, how could adding water help separate the salt and pepper? Explain what would happen. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5C 48. Melissa mixes salt and pepper together for a project and wants to be able to separate the mixture after completing the project. Jesse suggests adding water, how could adding water help separate the salt and pepper? Explain what would happen. Adding water would allow you to dissolve the salt, leaving you with salt water and pepper. The pepper could then be removed or filtered with a coffee filter. The salt could be removed through boiling and evaporating the water.
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5D 49. Zachary combines sugar and pepper in a beaker of water. The sugar dissolves in the water, but the pepper floats to the top of the beaker. What does this prove about the sugar and the pepper? A. Sugar forms a solution and pepper does not. B. Pepper forms a solution and sugar does not. C. Sugar and pepper have the same properties. D. Sugar and pepper can not be separated from the water.
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 5.5D 49. Zachary combines sugar and pepper in a beaker of water. The sugar dissolves in the water, but the pepper floats to the top of the beaker. What does this prove about the sugar and the pepper? Answer: A. Sugar forms a solution and pepper does not.
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 3.8C & 5.3C 50. Gwen’s teacher gave her these materials to make a model of the Earth, Sun, and moon. Which objects should she use and what would they represent? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5th Grade Daily Reinforcers TEK 3.8C & 5.3C 50. Gwen’s teacher gave her these materials to make a model of the Earth, Sun, and moon. Which objects should she use and what would they represent? The Sun would be the beach ball – the largest ball. The Earth would be the basketball (although it is too big in relation to the Sun. The moon would be the golf ball – a good size in relation to Earth The Earth could be the tennis ball (better size in relation to the Sun) but the Earth-Moon size relation would not fit.
Out of Classroom! Recess 12:20 – 12:45 Activity 12:45 – 1:30
Math Time! 1:30 – 3:15
Math Bell Work! 1:30 – 1:37
Math Lesson! 1:37 – 2:00
3:15 – 3:20 Wrap Up! Pair-Up back to back and share one thing you learned in class today with your partner Pack-Up Office will announce: Car Riders – Leave around 3:20 Bus Riders – (listen to intercom for dismissal)