Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Identify the OpsSpec(s) for each SAO Identify the key components of the OpSpec(s) for each SAO Identify the common errors in the OpSpec(s) for each SAO
Objectives Identify the special authorizations which require an LOA Identify equipment to be specified in an OpSpec/MSpec/LOA Utilize an OpSpec
Overview In this lesson we will discuss the following topics: OpSpecs for each SAO Key components of the OpSpec(s) for each SAO Letters of Authorization (LOAs) Common OpSpecs Errors
Special Areas of Operation (SAOs) OpSpecs for Each SAO Special Areas of Operation (SAOs) Required OpSpec North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specification (NAT-MNPS) B039. Operations in North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (NAT/MNPS) Airspace North Atlantic Non ETOPS B041. North Atlantic Operation (NAT/OPS) With Two Engine Airplanes Under Part 121 Magnetic Unreliability (AMU) B040. Operations in Areas of Magnetic Unreliability North Polar B055. North Polar Operations Canadian MNPS (C-MNPS) B059. Canadian MNPS Airspace (applies to 135 operators only) North Pacific (NOPAC) B038. Operations in North Pacific (NOPAC) Airspace West Atlantic Route System (WATRS) B050. Sensitive International Areas Central East Pacific (CEP) B037. Operations in Central East Pacific (CEP) Airspace Russia and China B050. Sensitive International Areas (B450) Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Oceanic Required Navigation Performance (RNP) (4/10) B036. Class II Navigation Using Multiple Long-Range Navigation Systems (LRNS) RVSM B046. Operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Airspace Initial Class II Basic Area Navigation/Precision Area Navigation BRNAV/PRNAV (RNAV5/RNAV1) B034. IFR Class I Terminal and En Route Navigation Using Area Navigation Systems 5
Q&A: If you have a single inertial system and multiple GPS sensors, is that satisfactory to fly in the North Polar area?
B050 World Map
Key Components of the OpSpec(s) for each SAO Identify the airspace Identify the specific aircraft type Identify the specific CNS system(s) requirements
Q&A: LOAs for “B” paragraphs are issued to what operators and for what type operations?
Letters of Authorization (LOAs) NAT-MNPS airspace (14 CFR Part 91.705) RVSM (14 CFR Part 91.706) RNP-10 (required for Pacific Operations) FAA Order 8400.12 (as amended) BRNAV(RNP-5)/PRNAV (RNP-1) AC 90-96 (as amended)
Common OpSpecs Errors OpSpecs errors have been noted during national reviews, including but not limited to: SAOs issued without proper validation or coordination with Regional NextGen Oceanic specialists A number of omitted reference paragraphs or included reference paragraphs irrelevant to the geographic area noted in OpSpec B050 AMU and North Polar Region OpSpecs errors apparently stemming from incorrect equipment and inadequate training
Common OpSpecs Errors A significant number of Gulf of Mexico and WATRS Initial Class II Navigation approvals (Op Spec B054- Single LRNS) issued with no validation flights Some operators could not meet the requirements of the OpSpec Range-limited aircraft authorized for remote oceanic operations Some aircraft did not have the required number of Long Range Navigation Systems (LRNS) or Long- range Communication Systems (LRCS) for the geographic area noted
Practice Exercises 1- 4
Review In this lesson we discussed the following topics: OpSpecs for each SAO Key components of the OpSpec(s) for each SAO Letters of Authorization (LOAs) Common OpSpecs errors
Objectives You should now be able to: Identify the OpsSpec(s) for each SAO Identify the key components of the OpSpec(s) for each SAO Identify the common errors in the OpSpec(s) for each SAO
Objectives Identify the special authorizations which require an LOA Identify equipment to be specified in an OpSpec/MSpec/LOA Utilize an OpSpec