Paris 1919 Why was it called the Treaty of Versailles? Allied delegates in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles — National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md
The Big Four
The Big Three Leader (Name) Country Attitude towards Germany Main aim
THE FOURTEEN POINTS Wilson wanted a “fair” treaty that wouldn’t encourage Germany to seek revenge in the future 1 No secret treaties. 2 Free access to the seas in peacetime or wartime. 3 Free trade between countries. 4 All countries to work towards disarmament. 5 Colonies to have a say in their own future. 6 German troops to leave Russia. 7 Independence for Belgium. 8 France to regain Alsace–Lorraine. 9 Frontier between Austria and Italy to be adjusted. 10 Self-determination for the peoples of eastern Europe (they should rule themselves). 11 Serbia to have access to the sea. 12 Self-determination for the people in the Turkish Empire. 13 Poland to become an independent state with access to the sea. 14 League of Nations to be set up.
SIX TERMS OF THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES [memory word: GARGLE] Guilt – clause 231: Germany accepted blame ‘for causing all the loss and damage’ of the war. Army – army: 100,000/ no submarines/ no aeroplanes/ 6 battleships/ Rhineland de-militarised Reparations – £6,600 million ($13 billion) – in instalments, until 1984). Germany lost land – Alsace-Lorraine to France/ Saar to France (15 years)/ West Prussia and Upper Silesia to Poland/ Danzig a ‘free city’/ German colonies became ‘mandates’ of the League of Nations. League of Nations set up. Extra points – forbade Anschluss/ Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania independent states.
Germany’s Reaction to Versailles
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Treaty of Versailles (1871) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Alsace and Lorraine 2 rich provinces in the French Rhine Valley + 6 billion German marks ($ 87 million) + 5 billion French francs ($1 billion)
Was the Treaty fair or harsh? The war had caused so much death and damage Germany had to be stopped from doing it again People in France and Britain wanted revenge Not much different from the treaties forced upon France (1871) and Russia at Brest-Litovsk The punishment was too severe towards Germany Germany was left weak and resentful – this could lead to anger and a revenge war The Treaty wouldn’t help rebuild European trade and wealth The peacemakers had made the Treaty under pressure from home