Spinal Meninges Three membranes surround all of CNS 3) Pia mater 1) __________- "tough mother", strong 2) _________- spidery looking, carries blood vessels, etc. Subarachnoid space 3) ________- "delicate mother", adheres tightly to surface of spinal cord 3) Pia mater 2) Arachnoid 1) Dura mater
Sectional anatomy of the spinal cord __________________________and unmyelinated axons Gray matter is cell bodies, unmyelinated axons and neuroglia Projections of gray matter toward outer surface of cord are horns
The Sectional Organization of the Spinal Cord
Organization of Cord Cross Section _________- interior horns posterior - somatic and visceral sensory nuclei anterior (and lateral) gray horns – somatic and visceral motor control gray commissures - axons carrying information from side to side _________- tracts or columns posterior white column - anterior white column lateral white column anterior white commissure functions ascending tracts - sensory toward brain descending tracts - motor from brain Fig 14-5
Horns of spinal cord Posterior gray horn contains somatic and visceral sensory nuclei Anterior gray horns deal with somatic motor control Lateral gray horns contain visceral motor neurons Gray commissures contain axons that cross from one side to the other
Peripheral Nerves Definition: bundles of axons. AKA tracts in CNS Organization – coverings: _____________ wraps entire nerve ___________ wraps fascicles of tracts _____________ wraps individual axons
31 pairs of spinal nerves Nerves consist of: Epineurium Perineurium Endoneurium
Dermatomes Sensory innervations by specific spinal nerves Each pair of spinal nerves monitors specific region of body surface. Clinical significance ?
Nerve plexus Complex interwoven network of nerves Four large plexuses Cervical plexus __________ Lumbar plexus _____________
Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Plexus
The Brachial Plexus
The Branchial Plexus
The Branchial Plexus
The Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses
The Lumbar and Sacral Plexuses