Roosevelt Corollary: Based on the “Monroe Doctrine” It is America’s job to protect and take care of other countries in Latin America. America should be the “international police power” of the world.
Dollar Diplomacy Invest money in Latin America by starting businesses there. SOUTH AMERICA
What is the best way to get from one side to the other, by ship?
Why would the U.S. want to build a canal?
PROS OF THE PANAMA CANAL CONS OF THE PANAMA CANAL Provides Panama with jobs (Dollar Diplomacy – makes money for Panama and America and also the Roosevelt Corollary because of the new jobs). Completed ahead of time and under budget. American trade was increased with Asia through the Open Door Policy. Workers were sick from yellow fever and malaria This is imperialism because America took over another country for its benefits. Panama was upset because they couldn’t use the canal for 99 years.
ACTIVITY: You are to respond to the building of the Panama Canal ACTIVITY: You are to respond to the building of the Panama Canal. Using ALL 3 key words, choose to draw a political cartoon, write a short newspaper article with a headline, or a brief speech to the American President explaining whether you think the pros of the Panama Canal outweighed the cons or not. KEYWORDS: Roosevelt Corollary, Dollar Diplomacy, Open Door Policy. EXCELLENT Uses relevant information in the activity that demonstrates a clear and detailed understanding of the Panama Canal (ex: descriptions, visuals, comparisons). Argues a side Uses ALL key words Product is creative, accurate, and complete GOOD Uses relevant information in the activity that demonstrates a clear and detailed understanding of the Panama Canal (ex: descriptions, visuals, comparisons) Uses at least two key words Product is complete and creative SATISFACTORY Not enough details and information on the Panama Canal Does not take a position Uses one key word and/or two key words, but does not display a clear understanding of the definition. Product is complete