Dipartimento Economia Aziendale (DEA) Lingua Inglese L18 (6 CFU) a.a. 2017-18 English for Management and Global Business (12 CFU) Corso di Studi Economia e Management Prof. N. De Marco ndemarco@unich.it Office Hours: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Calendario Esami a.a. 2017-18 III SESSIONE 21.05. 2018 ore 10:00 IV SESSIONE 21.06. 2018 ore 10:00 V SESSIONE 12.07. 2018 ore 10:00 VI SESSIONE 13.09. 2018 ore 10:00 VII SESSIONE 08.01. 2019 ore 10:00 VIII SESSION 13.02. 2019 ore 10:00
Book Reports and Activities March 7 March 14 March 21 March 28
March 9 March 20 March 27 April 6 Test Dates
Course Text Please no photocopies It’s against the law!
Course Evaluation (Frequentanti) Class Attendance and Participation: 15% Test Results 30% PowerPointPresentation 25% Book Reports 30% Minimum 60/100 = 18/30
Quiz a risposte multiple/vero falso 30 domande in 30 minuti STUDENTI NON-FREQUENTANTI Quiz a risposte multiple/vero falso 30 domande in 30 minuti Lab Informatico Viale Pindaro 1 punto = risposta esatta - 0,5 punto = risposta errata 0 punti = I don’t know 18/30 minimo per l’idoneità
Verifica in itinere: Attribuzione 6 CFU STUDENTI FREQUENTANTI: 19/24 Lessons 38/48 Hours 1. Power Point/Oral Presentations 2. Tests/Assignments 3. Group Work in Class Class Participation (February 26 – March 28/February 26 – April 28 EBGM)
Power-Point Presentations: Oral Presentation: 5 – 7 minutes Student chooses topic of presentation by March 5 First Presentations March 12