Creating Images These artists use ink on paper to create their image, with emphasis on value (light and dark).
Technique: Stippling (applying ‘dots’) ‘Dots’ of ink or pencil/graphite are Placed closer together to create darker values.
Herzl Kashetzky (Saint John, NB) UNION STREET SAINT JOHN, NB ink and watercolour
Creating Images with WORDS! by Herzl Kashetzky
“Reminds Me of Someone” by Herzl Kashetzky “Fog’s Clearing” by Herzl Kashetzky
“Angel” by Herzl Kashetzky
Collaborative “LION” artwork created by UNBSJ Education students
Each student created on small ‘square’ of the whole image, choosing a word that relates to ‘lion’. The letters were placed closely together and overlapped to create darker values. Then, all of the ‘pieces’ were arranged in order to create the collaborative image – a large portrait of a lion.
Silhouettes… positive space CONNECT/COMMUNICATE… Looking at Art (‘positive space’, no outline – text only, placement and size of text)
Olympic Sports - Silhouettes Materials: Silhouette ‘masters’ Lightweight paper (e.g. cartridge or photocopy) Pencils (option to print words in pencil first) Fine black markers Paper Clips Advance Prep: Make large photocopies of human figures in silhouette that represent various Winter Olympic sports
Olympic Sports - Silhouettes
Olympic Sports - Silhouettes Depict an Olympic sport – draw or use a silhouette of a human figure/pose as a template/guide Position thin white paper on top of your ‘template’ or ‘guide’ (paper clips help) ARTIST TIP: tape your work to a window – this works like a ‘light table’
I Can… Use text to represent positive space Consider the design & composition (use of space; placement of text; size of text) Demonstrate precision along the contour (outer edge) of the silhouette Describe my creative process
Artworks by Mme LeClerc’s Gr. 5 students Extension Ideas… Silhouettes… DANCE! Artworks by Mme LeClerc’s Gr. 5 students
Extension Ideas… Valentine’s Day, Earth Day… (What’s in My Heart, What Matters to Me…) Artworks by Gr. 5 students