Where Have all the Boomers Gone? AHEAD Talks Stories of Leaders from the Next Generation So you all have been hearing for years now th at the baby boomers. The greatest generation,, is leaving the work force. Many of you are saying, “leave already!” Many of us can’t wait to make that happen. But so many of my mentors have retired already and I see htat the profession is moving into the hands of the next wave of Disability Service Providers. i
All of my peers died of AIDS, and I have no one to celebrate my past or my journey, or to help me pass down stories to the next generation. We lost an entire generation of storytellers with HIV. David Mixner As our baby boomers retire and leave the field, I don’t want their stories to be lost even though we were making up the job as we went along. https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/d/davidmixne516641.html?src=t_past
Pictures of the Giants who have led me in my career Pictures of the Giants who have led me in my career. Norm Tully, Don Moores, Dottie Paison, and Mackay Vernon.
My story… Picture of three sisters 1963 with black station wagon behind them. Baby Boomers are now 53-71 years old. Me? I’ve got 5-7 years for retirement. I’ll still work, teach a class or two but I’ll be taking pottery lessons and playing with grandchildren.
Your story…. Picture of woman with glasses raising her hand.
Fast Forward to the 70’s In the 70’s as the Vietnam war ended and our classmates breathed sighs of relief of the draft not ready to steal them away on their “senior trip to Vietnam”. Disability Rights activists were conducing sit in protests in California and all over the country lobbying for the passage of 504. The idea went into effect and we watched as our kids from Kradle Kare were allowed to finally go to red bug elementary school. CF, Hydrocephalus, CP, Downs, MS… I started learning Sign Language at a local community college. I took some classes and met some Deaf friends. Sometimes they would invite me to come and interpret for them at a theme park (Disney now will provide professional interpreters! ) But mostly I worked tutoring and working in the community college. One day, I was invited to interpret for a couple Deaf friends…. There was a government lady there who wanted me to interpret….. Later I realized that I had interpreted for the congressional feedback session for the ADA! They actually even paid me! Pictures of Vietnam helicopters and soldier. Protest button says Hell NO! We won’t go. And a picture of me at 18 years old with my dad.
504 and IDEA Kradle Kare… and the passage of the IDEA. Picture of the yellow school bus and kids getting on it.
Prior to the ADA Picture of Karaoke King and Queen at the ALDA conference.
The Future is Now….. http://catalog.sps.cuny.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=1&poid=3 9&returnto=36 Masters in Science in Disability Services in Higher Education When told about this program, the first of its kind, Dottie Paishon, “Wow.. To think we made it up as we went along!”
If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Isaac Newton http://www.aapd.com/disability-rights-storytellers/
Do you know any giants? Picture of Big Friendly Giant (from movies) and the little girl sitting on his shoulder. As the giants in your life prepare to retire… what do you need to know from them. How can you keep the power and convictions strong?
Where we go from here?.