How to Halogen: Attaching Manager Notes to your employee's page
Once you login to Halogen click on My Employees tab to see the list of your employees.
From here you can add Feedback From here you can add Feedback. Click on the number for Feedback for the employee you are looking to add a Journal Note for.
This is what the feedback tab will look like for the employee you click on. Any notes you have saved will be listed here. To add a new note please click the add button.
From here you can select either Manager Note or Journal Note From here you can select either Manager Note or Journal Note. Manager Notes can be set to be a note for just you as the manager or you can share it with your employee. I would recommend using Manager Notes for any of your employees so the information will stay with the employee. Journal Notes that are created will be entered in your own personal Halogen Feedback page.
From here you can make a note for yourself that only you the manager will see. If you would like to share with the employee please check the box marked below. You can also share a note with all of your direct reports if you choose to by using the find feature marked below. Once Completed with the note click OK.
Once you’ve added the note it will be in the employees feedback tab for you to review whenever you’d like. Most recent will always be on the bottom. You can sort these items however you like by clicking on the top.
This is where the Journal Notes will be located if you create them instead of a Manager Note. Also, any Manager notes shared by your supervisor will be listed in here as well. Cardinal Rule: Journal notes stick with YOUR Halogen page, and only visible to your manager if you choose to. Manager notes stick with the EMPLOYEE, only visible to them if you choose to.