PowerPoint Template Grayscale Printer-Friendly Version
This PowerPoint template is updated to reduce the use of ink and high density printing. It was developed to be simple and flexible. You can write over this document and delete or duplicate the slides you need. Or, if you are more advanced, use the PowerPoint “slide master” feature. We attempted to provide a basic and consistent design which uses a single font, Arial. This provides a starting point and a few options for creating your own presentation. To learn more, download the complete Master Brand Design Style Guide on Brand Central.
Building Effective Presentations PowerPoint Template Building Effective Presentations PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version
Building Effective Presentations Graphics and Design Keep the design basic and simple. It should not distract Consistently use font in the same style and sizes Don’t copy & paste slides from different sources Keep the background consistent and subtle Use only enough text to clearly explain charts or graphics PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version
Building Effective Presentations General Presentation Keep your audience in mind The text should be a cue rather than a message for the viewer Practice so you can speak from bullet points Never read your slides; talk freely Always express a “Take Home Message” Use images to visualize and explain 6-8 words per line work best PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version
Design Elements and Samples PowerPoint Template Design Elements and Samples PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version
Design Elements Arial Font Slide Masters For consistency and to provide a clean look, Arial is the only font to be used. Slide Masters When creating new slides, you can choose from the designed options under “Layouts.” To edit some of the elements in these slides, you must be in the “slide master” view. PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version
Design Samples To be more printer-friendly, this template attempts to limit ink coverage and the use of color. Cover Page This presentation uses the “Grey Bottom Cover” design from the slide masters template. Divider Page Template To separate areas of your presentation, divider page templates are available; however, this example just uses a white page. Main Page Template The majority of your presentations will use a main page template available in the slide masters. This example uses the “Grey Bottom Bar Page” design. PowerPoint Template Printer-Friendly Version